By: ToeClaws
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| " After reading some of the short stories online, I decided to have a go at a bit longer one. I love writing (when I actually have the time), and thought a tale that gives us a little lizard feet and a lot of plot might make for an interesting read (and challenge to write). This tale stars two main characters, Eric – a human, and Rothar, a Zagoran. Eric is accidentally moved to another realm of reality, in which Lizards have evolved to be the dominant species. The reptiles endeavour to understand Eric, and why he was suddenly cast into their world, while Eric discovers a strange little passion, and a bold new purpose. It presents two plots really – a macro/herp side line, and the plight of the Zagoran's (with the help of Eric) against a fiend known as the Hethren. I work on it when I can, which, unfortunately, is not often with my crazy schedule (I have a family that, naturally, gets priority over this stuff for most of my free time!). Since it's in the process of creation, I do make changes now and then to earlier parts - usually expanding or correcting them, so you may want to skim over the older sections (you never know what you might discover). I will try my best to keep writing, and hope that everyone enjoys reading it as much as I do creating it. " - ToeClaws
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< chapter | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | chapter >
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Latest News:
| "Hi everyone! FINALLY, I finished chapter 15 - after a very long LONG time. Some personal issues convinced me to set aside my writing for a time. After continuing, Chapter 15 was still very slow in being realized - I had all the right ideas, and just couldn't seem to work them out in the right order. Big thanks to TyrannoToes, as usual, who helped me iron out some of the earlier ones. Also, this chapter comes with a big surprise - a picture of Rothar by Teaselbone! This picture was a lengthy effort by us (mostly him though) to show everyone the first image of a Zagoran. TT and I have made up a "Making of Rothar" Page below which shows the whole process we went through - it's pretty neat stuff! How close is this pic to what Rothar actually looks like? Pretty close - or as good as he could do with my useless advice anyway, hehe. So, a BIG thank yaz to Teasel for this one! So, check out the pic and give 15 a read. I'm hoping 16 will come A LOT faster. Thanks, and enjoy!" -- ToeClaws
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