By: TyrannoToes
awoke... He wasn't sure where he was or why he was still alive, but he was.
His eyes seemed to just snap open, his head filled with thoughts of events past,
he wasn't sure if he'd been dreaming, or if he'd been acting out his thoughts
for real. He shook his head and rose to his feet slowly. He was on his knees
and he raised his left leg, planting the huge claw foot firmly onto the soft
green ground below, compressing the blades of grass neatly under the mighty
sole. He stayed in that position for a while, still weak. His mind so full of
thought that he was unable to ponder his situation and move his body at the
same time. He took a deep breath realising this, and decided to get up. Pushing
against the ground with his right claw foot and straining his left leg, his
rose to his full standing height. Once standing tall he looked around, all around
him, to get his bearings, but he was lost.
| He was surrounded by lush green and yellow fields which shimmered in the light winds beneath a blue sky and bright yellow sun. His gut tensed and he shut his eyes in thought, and began to slowly remember one or two things. With small realisations in his confused mind he took a few steps forward, and looked over his shoulder. All around looked the same, so any direction would be the same, so any direction would be the right way to go. He began walking at a slow pace, to allow him to think to himself as he progressed through the land. The grass felt unusual but nice under his feet, soft and inviting, friendly even, this place seemed very pleasant. The day was warm, with welcomed breeze which kept it from becoming too hot.
| He wasn't quite sure how long he'd been walking for, but he saw something different in the distance, which stood out from the fields. A dark green and brown area which stood fairly tall, then it clicked! A forest! Yes, forests, shelter, maybe even something to drink, or eat. He'd never felt hungry before, or thirsty, but right now he could sense that was what he needed. His pace quickened and after a brisk walk he arrived at the forest's edge. He peered into it from his place outside, curious, but not afraid in the slightest. He still knew he was powerful, he wasn't just sure just how powerful but he felt succour at least. Wandering along the perimeter he found a gap, through which he could see a fairly large, building of some kind. He blinked and curiosity took hold and he wandered towards it.
| Little did he know, this was Agumon's home. Agumon had spent some time of his life fighting but those days were over, now he was happily relaxed in his small home. His house was like a log cabin you'd find in the mountains somewhere, but quite small. The front door led to a large room with a couch, a fire, and there was a kitchen and table behind that where he could cook and eat, and up some stairs there were two bedrooms and a bathroom. A cute little cottage for a cute little digimon. Agumon was busy cooking some chicken, he had developed a love of cooking and enjoyed the preparation process, to his credit his dishes were very good. However his cooking was interrupted by the ever growing pulses in the ground, almost like, large footsteps. He went to the front door and opened it, to see BlackWarGreymon's left claw foot by the door! He peered up, his eyes meeting the leg, the thigh, the body, and then BlackWarGreymon's curious tilting head.
| Agumon had encountered BlackWarGreymon before, but he seemed different this time, almost cute as he tried to figure out the structure and what could be inside it. Agumon took a deep breath and built up a little courage to say, "hi there!" with a slight smile.| BlackWarGreymon looked down a little shocked at the sudden noise from below, his head turned quickly to look down upon the friendly digimon, "erm... hello..."
| Agumon smiled gaining a little more confidence and said, "erm, what are you doing here?"
| BlackWarGreymon blinked and was lost for an answer, he didn't know himself why he was there, or where he was. He stammered, "I'm... I... I don't know, I was walking by and noticed this place, I don't know where I am, or even why I'm here..."
| Agumon found himself becoming confused too, "I've not seen you for a long time, where have you been?"
| The great digimon was not prepared for the conversation, "I... I don't know..." The two stared at one another and then away from one another, a little embarrassed as there eyes met. Agumon noticed this and knew that such a powerful digimon before him was simply lost, confused, and alone. Being the friendly type he began thinking of a little ice breaker which could lead to a good conversation, find out where BlackWarGreymon had been all this time.
| Agumon smiled, "erm, hungry?"
| BlackWarGreymon blinked and had already smelt the scent from inside the small home, "I'm not sure..."
| "What do you mean you're not sure?" Agumon questioned, "Everyone knows whether they're hungry or not."
| BlackWarGreymon sighed, "I am just very confused right now, and tired, I know that."
| Agumon thought for a while and looked up at the great black Digimon, "well, would you like a place to rest? I don't think you'd fit in my house, but round the back there is a larger building, I was intending to have it for larger Digimon anyway, you could rest there."
| BlackWarGreymon nodded and Agumon walked out, past the larger Digimon's huge feet which dwarft him so, but he wasn't worried, he led BlackWarGreymon around to behind his small house and sure enough there was a large barn like building. "It's not too good looking yet," Agumon said, "But I'm hoping to make it real nice soon. All there is at the moment are some blankets and hay to sleep on, but at least there's light and the interior I've already painted."
| BlackWarGreymon nodded, not fully listening to Agumon's banter but still he entered the building and looked around, it seemed safe enough. Agumon suggested, "Why don't you lie down and relax or something, and I'll bring you something to eat, I'd better go check on the food anyway, I'm a bit of a perfectionist" he grinned and BlackWarGreymon nodded and sat on a large pile of stacked hay as Agumon left.
| BlackWarGreymon sat in deep thought as Agumon prepared the dishes, and after a little while he returned with two plates of chicken, with sauces and a strong smell which was quite tasty itself! BlackWarGreymon's plate was large that Agumon's, he had served up a few extra things for the larger Digimon, 'cus he knew it would take more to satisfy a larger belly. He placed the plates on a small stack of hay and smiled, "here ya' go!"
| BlackWarGreymon stared at the plate, and looked at his armour his wore on his arms. Agumon giggled, "hmm, might have to take those off pal" and BlackWarGreymon began to un-strap the mighty claws from his arms. The strong metal claw blades which stuck out of the armour retracted into the armour itself, and BlackWarGreymon's huge forepaws slid out, he flexed his fingers, each paw like a hand, with three fingers and a thumb, each tipped with a light sliver claw. It actually felt quite nice to have them moving freely, and with that thought in mind he reached up and began shifting his metal muzzle armour. He lent forward and lifted the horned amour off his head, and lent back shaking his hair freely. Quite a wonderful feeling, and he rubbed his muzzle with his paws, looking back at Agumon who had been watching the whole event, not even touching his food yet.
| BlackWarGreymon's muzzle was very dragon like, with a very cute look, or so Agumon thought. In fact BlackWarGreymon was a very very handsome dragon under all that metal plating. Agumon smiled, "wow, feel better?"
| BlackWarGreymon nodded, "Yes... ...actually it feels very... pleasant, to be free from the armour"
| Agumon giggled to himself and smiled, "Well feel free to feel even more comfortable, why stop there? Why not take off the chest armour? You'll feel better."
| BlackWarGreymon pondered this and began un-strapping the strong chest amour he was always so used to wearing, and it opened up, revealing his wide chest. Agumon's eyes widened at the sight of such a strong firm black chest, two firm nipple-less pecks and abs which made him gasp. BlackWarGreymon slide the shoulder padding off and the amour landed with a clunk behind him. Before Agumon could mention it BlackWarGreymon had lent forward and began un-strapping the strong protective shin guards by his huge claw feet. He rose his foot to slide the armour off, displaying his plush soft yet strong soles to Agumon. He set them down by the pile of amour he had built up and stretched his legs, flaying his huge toes around and enjoying the freedom.
| Agumon was caught up in the moment, he couldn't help but reach forward and touch one of the large twitching toes of BlackWarGreymon, who blinked at the touch. Agumon smiled, "you know what helps digimon relax?" he said to a curious muzzle, "a nice foot rub." He smiled and BlackWarGreymon tilted his head curiously. "Just relax" assured Agumon, and be began kneading the inner toe of BlackWarGreymon's huge left foot paw. Agumon pressed the soft scales of the toe sole in and up towards the white claw which capped the chunky toe. He continued doing so for a little while, before moving onto the next one, then the next, before finally rubbing the whole flat sole of the dark foot. BlackWarGreymon had never felt such a feeling, it felt nice to have his over worked feet finally relaxed and looked after, which such care and attention too. He compared the feeling of each foot in his mind, the left relaxed and tingly from the treatment, the right felt tired and in need of attention. In an effort to get it, he slide his huge right foot across the ground towards the working Agumon, and ran his toes across Agumon's side, drumming the three huge digits along Agumon's body eagerly.
| Agumon smiled and gave the left foot a soft pat before moving on to the right. Once again he pushed up the soft scales of each large toe sole. He was sure to give the right foot equal attention, and soon he was finished. As BlackWarGreymon let out a soft sigh as the treatment ended, he was surprised to feel something slick and wet run across his toes. He looked down to see Agumon licking at the toes of his right foot. His tongue licking deeply into the toe-crotches, almost tickling the large dragon. The feeling was warm and pleasant, and he led back to enjoy more pampering. Agumon had soon licked around the sole of his right foot, from heel to the toe claws. Then he spent some extra time on the toes, going as far as to suckle on them, fitting the claw and toe tip into his mouth, licking around it gleefully, and sucking softly on the scaley toes. The next foot received the same attention, and then Agumon had to rest. BlackWarGreymon's feet were clean and massaged, feeling very soft and sensitive and wonderful. Agumon smiled at the dragon, who looked quite content, if not still a little curious.
| Augmon eyed over the strong reptilian body of his new found friend. The handsome black muzzle led down to a wide black chest, the firm pecks no doubt as solid as a brick wall. Agumon tingled at the thought. Two muscley powerful arms ran out from the broad shoulders, finished with firm gripping claw hands which could crush stone if needed. The firm abs below the chest led to two powerful legs which were finished with his large feet. Then Agumon noticed, BlackWarGreymon had removed all his armour except for his loin amour.
| Agumon built up his courage, "happy? You've still got some armour on…" BlackWarGreymon looked down, his loin armour was indeed still on him, and he decided to remove it too, to feel the full freedom of nakedness. He reached down and undid some clips, fiddling around under the plate, but seemed to be having a little trouble with. Every time he reached under and began trying to remove it he stopped, Agumon picked up on this, "What's the matter?" he asked.
| BlackWarGreymon looked at the small Digimon, "I don't know ... but every time I try to touch this area, I ... I don't know ... I ... it ... feels unusual."
| Agumon got up and walked over to the mighty Digimon, "Need some help?"
| BlackWarGreymon blinked, "I can't see what you could do to help me ... but if you insist..."
| Agumon almost squeaked in delight, he knew perfectly well what was under there, and he stood before BlackWarGreymon who adjusted his sitting position. He now sat on his rump, with legs stretched apart with Agumon in between the huge claw feet. BlackWarGreymon watched Agumon approach and watched closely, not wanting to be injured in anyway, so was wary. Agumon smiled, "Is something too sensitive to touch?"
| BlackWarGreymon nodded, "Yes, a part of me is strapped to the inside of this armour," he said pointing at the loin armour, "and it feels usual when I touch it."
| Agumon pondered, "I think you should just un-strap it quickly and get it over with."
| BlackWarGreymon hmm'd, "Are you sure?"
| Agumon nodded, "Yes, trust me, just go get it all un-strapped quickly and pull the armour away, and put up with the feeling it brings."
| BlackWarGreymon had been advised wisely by the little Digimon before, he had indeed felt better when removing his other armour, so this would probably be no different, he breathed in and began un-strapping the armour. He fumbled with the straps and Agumon approached closer, standing before BlackWarGreymon's crotch. BlackWarGreymon lifted the armour up and away suddenly, and his huge fleshy organ fell, landing square on Agumon with a small splat. BlackWarGreymon let out a "rrrrrrrrrrrr" like sound, and blinked, confused … that actually felt ... ... good...
| Agumon rolled out from under the mighty flesh's end and looked up at BlackWarGreymon, who sat panting softly, "Feel better?"
| BlackWarGreymon nodded, "what in the... why did... that actually feel, pleasant?"
| Agumon looked up at the large muzzle, "explain what you felt."
| BlackWarGreymon looked at his limp flesh, "I don't know... I've never known what this part of me is for, it has always been there, but always so sensitive, so I keep it strapped away, hidden, and when it is touched, it sends, unusual feelings through me, nice feelings, I don't know why..."
| Agumon blinked and looked at the large black penis beside him, "you don't know what this is for?"
| BlackWarGreymon shook his head slowly, "no..."
| Agumon lit up inside and smiled, "Well... you know... I could show you..." he stroked across the shaft with a claw tip softly. BlackWarGreymon shivered and whimpered a little, as the new feeling settled in. "You see," Agumon continued, "this is your, well, there are many names for it, I like cock myself, hehe, but there are other words for it,, penis for example, but this is the thing which you use for pleasure..."
| BlackWarGreymon looked a little confused, "for pleasure?"
| Agumon nodded, "Usually you would insert it in a female to mate, to make offspring, but you don't need a female to have fun with it" a small grin followed.
| BlackWarGreymon blinked again, "have fun with it?"
| Agumon began stroking the huge soft flesh, which was around his own size even when it was limp, and smiled up at the confused dragon, "why don't you relax, and I'll show you just what it can do..."
| BlackWarGreymon shivered and led back, "mmmm..."
| Agumon smiled and began at BlackWarGreymon's crotch, and rubbed the equally impressive balls, which had spread their size on the ground, he massaged the firm orbs softly, and even began licking them, enjoying the taste against his rough tongue. BlackWarGreymon had drifted off rumbling pleasantly, having never felt such pleasure before, and this was just the beginning. Agumon was very careful with the large orbs, nuzzling them and licking them, almost nursing them like a parent with an egg, for these two large balls contain the precious fluid of his new large friend.
| Agumon moved along the great limp shaft, rubbing, massaging, licking, making sure every square inch of the impressive member was seen too. Eventually he reach the lighter shaded head of BlackWarGreymon's great penis, and he lapped over it firmly with his tongue, causing the dragon to jerk and thrust forward for reasons unknown to himself. He couldn't believe the feeling, it was amazing to him, and then Agumon slid his little body under the great member, and began licking the sensitive part under BlackWarGreymon's cock head. The organ swelled and pulsed and grew, BlackWarGreymon had to look down to see his impressive cock grow bigger still! The wide base kept the cock significantly wide, and it stretched out past his knees! Agumon had to change his position and lapped away at the pulsing cock head. The little dinosaur could hug the shaft it was so big to him. He began squeezing slightly at the base, and hugging up the large shaft, urging forward the fluid which was trying to find it's way out for the first time.
| BlackWarGreymon was sensing his member himself, finding it to be quite nice, and as he did so, suddenly a small rush of clear sticky liquid leaked out of the slit of his cock, running onto Agumon and soaking the little creature. BlackWarGreymon actually smiled at the feeling, and Agumon was quick to rub the slick sticky pre-cum around BlackWarGreymon's member, as well as gulping down a little for himself. With a grunt the dragon tensed some more, feeling a soft contraction in his balls, and forced more pre-cum out onto little Agumon, who was working hard to pleasure the great organ as best he could. While lying on his back under the great penis, his small feet could lightly rub BlackWarGreymon's great swelling orbs.
| As Agumon licked and rubbed around the head, BlackWarGreymon reached down and fondled his swollen balls happily, the soft squeezes made him mrrrr happily and he shut his eyes, flaying and twisting his toes around in pleasure. He lent back and opened his mouth wide taking in deep breaths, and began pumping his shaft with both paws himself. Agumon smiled at his companion, who was getting the hang of this quite quickly. He continued to be showered in BlackWarGreymon's pre-cum, and loved every second of it. He even ran the slick-ness down to BlackWarGreymon's on paws, offering the lube to the dragon, who smiled and panted more, as his paws ran smoothly along his large black shaft.
| Agumon looked up at BlackWarGreymon's bliss filled muzzle, "tell me, when you feel, a strange contraction in these." He said pointing at the large round balls. BlackWarGreymon looked down with a confused but happy look, to which Agumon repeated, "you'll know it when you feel it, just tell me when you do, and be sure to stop when you do!" He returned to his licks and even kissed around the pre-cum soaked cock head. BlackWarGreymon listen once again, but right now was not feeling any form of contraction, so returned to pumping his cock happily, blissfully unaware of what was to come...
| Agumon's own erection was peaking from an almost invisible slit from his crotch, but compared to the mighty cock he was licking, it looked pretty pitiful, he didn't care right now though, he was content to aid the dragon's masturbation for as long as it took. He was enjoying it almost as much as BlackWarGreymon was! The two were a team to aid the pleasure of the great dragon. Agumon got up for a little while and fondled BlackWarGreymon's balls a little more as the black giant rubbed along his slick penis. Soon though Agumon returned to his happy place beneath the swelling shaft, where he could kiss and lick and rub all he wanted with greater effect.
| Suddenly BlackWarGreymon's eyes widened and he pulled his paws away from his shaft, "I feel it!" he shouted, and Agumon pulled away from the cock. It pulsed softly, and BlackWarGreymon felt the small pulsing which had begun in his testicles, fade. Agumon lay under the cock head and opened his mouth wide, as a small amount of fresh dragon cum oozed out of the slick cock head, and dripped into his open muzzle. He swallowed contentedly and licked his lips and another small amount oozed out onto his face.
| Agumon smiled and looked over at BlackWarGreymon, who was panting and very tempted to reach his cock and rub it more, "don't even think about touching it!" Agumon demanded with a smile, "wait here, I'll be right back, but don't touch it!" BlackWarGreymon nodded and relaxed in a daze as his member still stood firmly erect. He looked at it, and couldn't help himself as Agumon left, he prodded the cock head, and gave out a content "rrrrr" as he felt his claw run along his cock head. He wiped some pre-cum onto his claw, and brought it to his face curiously. He had seen Agumon swallow the fluid, and he sniffed the white life giving cum on his claw. He licked his claw and washed the salty taste around his mouth. The taste was fairly harmless, it would be silly for such a thing to harm him, but despite his curiosity he decided to stay true to his word from then and left the mighty cock alone, leaning back to pant and purr.
| Agumon ran into his house, he was stiff as a board, and he looked around his bedroom. Under his bed he pulled out a box, and opened it, to reveal a shimmering blue crystal, which he snatched out and took back to his lusty friend. "See this?" he said, point at the crystal in his paw, "this will make the next part more fun..." He took a step back, "Agumon! Warp Digivolve too... - WarGreymon!! -" and in a flash, the small digimon became the twin of BlackWarGreymon, only with orange/yellow scales and similar coloured armour. BlackWarGreymon blinked and was quick to notice the loin armour on his playmate, which promptly snapped off! WarGreymon's cock stuck out, and he quickly removed his own armour, and knelt down before his double with a smile, "now... where were we?"
| WarGreymon lent forward and gave BlackWarGreymon a soft kiss on the cheek, BlackWarGreymon didn't know what came over him, but he suddenly had an urge to squeeze WarGreymon's cock head, as the slick pre-cum leaked out. He rubbed the slick juice around WarGreymon's member and the two held each other together, the was a sense of love in the moment, the once tiny Digimon had offered an unbelievable service to the black dragon, and the kindness would be repaid.
| The two kissed each other all over their muzzles, both looking beautiful with one another, the two impressive cock slapping and sliding against the other. WarGreymon slid his crotch up and waved his cock head before BlackWarGreymon's mouth, and it was promptly licked, kissed, and loved. BlackWarGreymon suckled on as much as the sensitive cock as he could fit in his maw. WarGreymon tensed and leaked some pre-cum into BlackWarGreymon's mouth, which was half swallowed, half used to lube the cock head more. WarGreymon grunted in delight and took hold of BlackWarGreymon's member, stroking the sensitive underside and squeezing the head as it dribbled more pre-cum onto his paw.
| The two found that every squeeze or suckle was rewarded with a squeeze or suckle on their own impressive member, which kept the two content to pleasure the other as best they could. WarGreymon squeezed along the base of his member up to his tip, squeezing more pre-cum into BlackWarGreymon's working jaws. Suddenly BlackWarGreymon jerked and removed WarGreymon's organ from his mouth, panting, "I ... can ... feel it again..."
| WarGreymon grinned and slowed his strokes on the black dragon's flesh and slid his penis back into the his maw, "shhh... don't worry..." he replied comfortingly, and began purrring loudly again as BlackWarGreymon nodded and suckled away at the large organ. WarGreymon moaned with delight and felt his own insides tingle, it was time. He took hold of BlackWarGreymon's hard flesh once again and squeezed and rubbed the sensitive tip, holding his own shaft so it would stay in the soaked maw of his lover, even thrusting a little as he neared.
| With a gleeful smile WarGreymon panted with his mouth wide open leaning his head back and shutting his eyes blissfully, his balls contracting and shooting his seed up through his shaft into BlackWarGreymon's maw. BlackWarGreymon was shocked and bend his head away, his muzzle coated in WarGreymon's warm cum. WarGreymon's excitement had caused him to tighten his rubs on BlackWarGreymon's member and as he was spooging onto his lover's face BlackWarGreymon's own shaft erupted with an even larger flow of sticky white cum, which sprayed high into the air and coated a good portion of the corner of the room as it landed. The two had reached orgasm at almost exactly the same time and both were tensed, growl purrring loudly as their male seed shot out. Both remained in a state of pleasure for quite some time after that, both panting, both content. The two waved their members from side to side as their hips twisted, gleefully dribbling their last few pulses anywhere.
| WarGreymon smiled at the exhausted BlackWarGreymon, who returned a shy smile from his cum soaked muzzle. The great black dragon lent up to kiss his lover who returned the kiss deeply, leaning forward and lying on him in love. The two rested as their members became limp, they giggled as the two huge organs slid against one another in the slick cum they'd created, then nuzzled happily. WarGreymon snugged around BlackWarGreymon's chest, "...thank you..."
| BlackWarGreymon looked at his partner, "no, thank -you- ... I think I've found what I've been searching for all this time." The two shared a smile and kissed deeply once again, they both knew they were meant for one another now, and so long as they had each other, nothing else mattered.
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