By: ToeClaws

| A loud clatter sounded as the camera tripod slid free of its holster and impacted with the ground. Jeff grumbled something intangible and leaned over to put it back into place. "Awwww… jeez… it’s got mud all over it now… great."

| "Explain to me why you’re doing this again?" Elizabeth smiled calmly back at him from her spot at inn’s picnic table, taking a sip of steaming coffee. She had accompanied Jeff on enough photo shots to know he was rather obsessed with a good image return, but this time it seemed it was consuming him.

| "How many times do I have to explain this to you?" Jeff wiped off the last of the mud from the tripod and shoved everything back into place within the SUV.

| "Until it makes sense. I think that would be nice." Taking another sip from her coffee, she met his frustrated gaze with cool hazel-eyed calmness.

| Jeff sighed, and slammed the hatch of the SUV shut. He stepped over to her and leaned on the table, giving her a look that one might expect from a teacher explaining basic math to a student. "Liz, I’ve been taking pictures of reptiles for nearly a decade now – since I was 18! You should know – you’ve been with me for half of that. I can’t pass up an opportunity to get some shots of the Kazzac."

| She smiled back at him gently. "If it exists, you mean."

| "It DOES EXIST! Jesus Liz, you’ve heard all the same accounts of it that I have! You saw the fang wounds on that villager that was attacked – what did you think did that? A fucking monkey?" Jeff was white knuckling the sides of the table without even realizing it. The thought that the Kazzac were just a myth was ridiculous to him. He had seen the spacing of the teeth marks on the villager, and they were far wider than possible by a tiger, gorilla or any other creature typically found in the Brazilian jungle. It was some sort of giant reptile, at least, according to those who had caught a glimpse of it. "The villager herself is dead, doesn’t that tell you anything?!"

| Elizabeth gently touched Jeff’s hand. "Jeff, I’m not saying it doesn’t exist… I… I just think that this time you’re taking things one step too far. Look at you – you’re fixated on this… thing, and you’re ready to go gallivanting off into the jungle after it." She set her coffee down with her other hand and tapped a plane ticket. "You know I can’t go with you this time because of lecture at the University. You’re doing this by yourself Jeff – don’t you think that’s a little risky?"

| Sighing, Jeff patted her hand. "I know. I know it’s dangerous Liz but I have to know… a… and if I can get some pictures of this thing…" He trailed off, not sure how to close his statement with so many possibilities.

| "Why not ask if you can get some of the villagers to come with you?"

| "HA! Right… tried that already – there’s not one of them that will come with me for all the money in the world… heh… not that I have any to offer them." Jeff looked to his side at the edge of the forest. "Still… if they’re really in there… I have to know." When he looked back, Liz’s hazel eyes bore a look of genuine worry. "I’ll be careful… you know I will. I haven been hurt yet, have I?"

| Elizabeth shook her head and let out a frustrated laugh. "No, because I’m the one that always ends up bailing you out of a situation." She looked up at him, as if trying to take a final measure of his intensions. "Just… just be careful, okay? The last thing I want to hear back home is that something…"

| "Don’t even say it then. Liz, I’ll be fine." Jeff leaned over and kissed his college’s cheek. "Now, at least give me a smile to remember you by before I go?" She sighed and gave him a grin. "Thank you… and good luck with the lecture – don’t let those kids make you nervous or anything."

| "Oh ya… kids… they’re like nearly the same age as me. Go on… go find your big lizard you dolt." She waved him off, and he started back to the SUV. As he opened the door, she shouted back to him. "Be careful, remember!?" He swished his hand at her, rolled his eyes, and got in.


| The drive to the cliff and waterfall where the villagers had seen the supposed creature was not a pleasant one. Jeff scolded himself mentally for ever complaining about the pot holes back home when they were like driving on air compared to the jungle road that lead him to his destination. The little SUV surged and bounced along its way. He found himself wondering if it really was a road, or just a place where the plants were thin enough to allow for a vehicle to inch its way forward.

| After nearly two hours of inching his way across the forest, he came to the small clearing with its cliff and waterfall. He eased out of the muddy SUV and stretched. "Shit… it would’ve been faster to walk." He proceeded to the back of the SUV and began to strap on his various photo equipment. The last item that went into his hands was a large tranquilizer riffle… just in case.

| According to the accounts from the villagers, the Kazzac had been spotted near the mouth of the waterfall by some villagers that had decided to take a cool midday swim. The one that had been attacked had been closer to the falls at the rock face. Jeff figured that’s where the creatures likely lived, or at least was a common water hole that they frequented by the same route. Using his experience, he had to judge a place that was close, but not too close as to befall the same fate as the unfortunate villager.

| He chose a spot that was somewhat shielded by some trees and bushes, yet, afforded him a clear downwind view of the falls and their surrounding rock face. Now it was just a waiting game.

| Time passed slowly at first, as the anticipation that he was sure to see something kept him excited. As minutes wore into hours, the excitement ebbed away to be replaced by boredom and day dreams. As usual, he was thinking about the time of dinosaurs, and how lucky he’d have been to get some pictures then – catching a Tyrannosaurus strolling by only a few steps from him. The idea fascinated him – being so close to those huge feet, watching it stroll rhythmically by. It was that obsession with reptiles that had landed him the career he had – catching exotic photos of them for various buyers. In his heart he knew his little dinosaur fantasy was far fetched, but he could still dream.

| The happy thought was shattered by the snap of a twig behind him and a chilling hiss. Jeff wheeled around with a frightened squeak, bringing the barrel of his riffle around with him. A choked off letter F was all he managed from his mouth as his eyes looked up at the frightening face of the Kazzac standing before him. It was larger than he by at least two feet – making it around eight feet tall. Instead of a giant version of a tree-climbing gecko (as he previously thought it might be), it looked more like a raptor, but larger… more powerful, and stood more upright. Its snout was wider – like an Allosaurus, with two much larger fangs than the rest at the front and top of his muzzle, and small dragon-like frills of scales that fanned off on its sides. Its muscular body was scaled in a dark green, making it appear almost grey, and it stood on two large legs with feet that bore three thick Tyrannosaurus-like toes and a rear hallux. Its arms were also larger than a dinosaur, and its hands looked to have greater dexterity. For a moment, he was frozen as the creature gazed down at him with eerie orange eyes.

| Jeff raised his gun slowly, and pointed the barrel at the Kazzac’s chest, hoping to use the momentary stillness of it to his advantage. In a motion nearly to fast to see, the Kazzac ripped the rifle from his hands and snapped it in two at the middle, causing the tranquilizer darts to spill dully to the ground at Jeff’s feet.

| Again there was stillness, except for the racing of Jeff’s heart. The creature stood and fixed its horrible gaze on him, unmoving, unrelenting. Slowly, it cracked its mouth a little wider and another hiss sounded. Its long reptilian tongue eased out and swished slowly along its scaly lips. Jeff had seen enough – if he was going dye, it wasn’t going to be standing there like an idiot while some giant lizard had him for lunch. He bolted in the opposite direction, legs pumping harder than he ever thought possible; photo equipment forgotten. He made a bee-line for the distant SUV, hoping that he could use it to make his escape.

| Calmly the Kazzac reached down and picked up one of the tranquilizer darts and cracked a slight smile. It raised its arm back, and hurled it with incredible power toward the running human.

| Jeff felt a prick in his left leg, and suddenly things started to blur. His body seemed as if it weighed five times more than it had a moment ago, and his desperate run slowed. "W..what the h..hell?" He reached behind him and yanked free the dart, slumping to the ground as he did. "…" He looked up with heavy eyes, and the last thing they showed him was the Kazzac walking slowly toward him.


| Waking with a start, Jeff bolted upright, and searched his unfamiliar surroundings with a rapidly rising sense of panic. What the hell? Where… The sound of water clued him in. He was in a cool cave, just behind the waterfall. The second stark realization that hit him was that he was no longer wearing any clothes. The last thing he remembered was trying to escape the Kazzac, but how did he get here? And what was he doing naked? Frantically, his eyes searched for movement, but found nothing.

| Jeff rose gingerly to his feet, trying to make no sound in his movement. Oh shit… it’s taken me to its cave and prepped me as food or something! Oh god… I have to try and get out. He eased his way around the corner and let out a yelp as Kazzac rounded it from the other side. Backing up slowly, Jeff looked around frantically for another escape route, but couldn’t find anything save going through the Kazzac. Whatever his fate would be, it was no longer in his hands.

| What made the moment even more frightening was that the creature simply stood there, hissing softly, and watching him. Its only movement was occasional flexing of its toes and claws on the smooth cave rock, and the rhythmic swishing of its long tail. Jeff’s heart pounded, and he stayed frozen in place as the Kazzac continued its observation of him.

| Minutes past, and frightened as Jeff was, other parts of him began their own thoughts. Why hasn’t it done anything? What is it waiting for!? Oh god… if I only had my camera… look at that awesome body! It suddenly dawned on Jeff as odd that he even was looking at the powerful body in any way other than fear, but then, given too much time to think before ones death… who knows what thoughts came and went.

| Another hiss sounded, a bit louder this time, and the long pinkish tongue swished along its pointy teeth – particularly the two large fangs. To Jeff’s surprise and horror, a golden transparent liquid was pooling at the tip of each fang. Some dripped off, and was caught by its tongue and swished slowly along the scaly lips, which seemed to be smiling at him.

| Oh fuck, it’s venomous! A renewed sense of fear gripped Jeff and he began to look desperately for any means of escape.

| As the human’s body turned, the Kazzac made its move, leaping at the human, gripping it by the arms and pinning them to his body. Jeff screamed in terror as the Kazzac’s fangs bit down on his shoulder and squirted two massive streams of venom into his body.

| The feeling of pain eased away, replaced with a strange sense of numbness that Jeff thought was death embracing him. He slumped weakly into the creature’s grasp, and waited for everything to wink out as he felt the sticky venom circulate throughout him. He sagged weakly, wanting to be afraid, wanting to run, but all that seemed to be left of him was his mind and the most basic of movement. His fears began to shift to being consumed alive slowly, or perhaps the venom was to dissolve him from the inside out little by little. Neither seemed to be happening though, only stillness and the Kazzac’s fangs leaking evermore golden fluid into him. Jeff swore he could feel its every scale against him, a slight warm against the coolness of the water-chilled air.

| The Kazzac withdrew its fangs, and its sticky golden venom continued to pour out over Jeff’s shoulder and down his chest until they were well clear. The creature hissed softly and carefully eased the human back onto the cave floor. It felt almost icy cold be comparison to the air and the Kazzac’s body. Jeff lay panting hard, and fought hard to move. The Kazzac, again, stood over him with a patient eerie gaze that seemed to pin him in place. From his view on the smooth cave floor, the creature looked gigantic. Its powerful body swayed slightly from side to side and small droplets of the venom pooled on his fangs, and dripped free in small shimmers. It would have made a beautiful shot, a part of Jeff thought. He closed his eyes and gritted his teeth, trying to keep his wits about him. It was as if his senses were all coming alive with feedback – he could hear the tiniest detail of its breath, feel the very air inching about him, and his own heart pounding like a jack hammer in his venom-filled body. The golden fluid oozed slowly from the fang wounds, regurgitating that which didn’t fit inside him.

| Jeff lazily managed to move his arms and pushed with everything he had, moving himself slightly back. The Kazzac let out a strange hiss… almost a whine, "hhhheeeessss nooooohhhh… ssssssssstaaeey." Its big foot lifted and it stepped forward, pressing it down onto Jeff’s chest.

| The heightened sensation was almost maddening. He felt its scales, all of them, pressing down softly on his exposed chest with a squishing noise as the scaly foot squeezed away the excess venom. As the foot came to rest, the toes spread slightly, revealing the slightly lighter coloured scales between them, and their strong scent. Jeff let out a whimper, unable to move with his diminished strength, and unable to ignore his newfound senses. His heart pounded hard against the scaly sole, and the Kazzac squinted its eyes, letting out a long soft hiss. Jeff looked on helplessly. It… its enjoying this… for some… its…

| Reason was clouding over in his head. The scent of the Kazzac’s foot was maddening to him somehow… enticing. He struggled to raise his head… to see it… he had to see it for some reason. Its mighty claws remained carefully lifted from his flesh, and the three toes were splayed just slightly, nearly completely covering his upper body. The scales of its toes and legs seemed to glisten more now, and in an instant, his nose told him why. The creature was warm… perspiring ever so slightly from its strange sense of enjoyment. The scent made Jeff gasp – not in disgust, but arousal. Reason was ebbing away… he didn’t know how, but he couldn’t resist it… it was like nothing he had experienced before.

| His hands reached weakly up, and touched them, feeling slowly along the outer toes from base to claw. Jeff let out a choked sound as the heightened sensation of hundreds of scales brushing along his fingertips sent shivers along his body. From above him, he heard the strange sound of the creature as it let out a tiny whimper. The foot lifted from his chest, and the Kazzac stepped slightly closer to him. The big toes lifted again, and hovered a moment above his head, giving Jeff a long look at its scaly sole. Slowly it lowered and it touched its middle toe to his nose. Jeff whined and shook as the scent hit him like a brick. The intoxicating odour made his head spin, and dismissed any remaining sense of reason. The toe was pulled slowly back and away; the claw hovering just millimetres above Jeff’s sensitive skin. As it passed his lips, he licked along its base, taking in a tongue full of saltiness that made him whimper.

| Again the foot lifted, and the Kazzac brought it to rest lightly on Jeff’s face, jamming his nose into the plush sole, just below the toe line. Jeff let out a moan, surprising some distant part of himself. He inhaled deeply, taking in the alluring scent. He began to lick at the sole, taking in the strange saltiness of its scales, devouring the allurement that seemed to consume his venom soaked mind.

| As the human pampered the scaly sole tenderly, the Kazzac’s hisses turned to heavy breathing. Its eyes half closed, and venom began to ooze free of its fangs again only to be quickly swished away by the nimble reptile tongue with a low growl. The human continued on, driven on by his own insatiable desire for the sensations he was taking in, even though some distant part of him fought against the ill begotten drive that had assumed control of him.

| Slowly the big reptilian sole lifted away, leaving Jeff breathing shallowly, and stunned at the sudden loss of scent. His eyes flickered up towards the creature, still towering over him, wondering what would come next. His body tingled from end to end, and he was stunned at how very alive everything felt. He would have tried to reason it out, but reason was gone from him as if replaced by this strange heightened awareness.

| Slowly the Kazzac crouched, placing its large feet at a staggered stance for balance, then it lowered its body to hover just above the human’s. Reaching down, it placed its large clawed hand on his chest, above his heart and used the other beside him for balance. Both beings shivered from the sudden sense of heightened touch. The Kazzac’s mouth lowered, and parted its scaly lips ever so slightly, hovering millimetres from Jeff’s own.

| Jeff’s reaction was almost instinctual. He lifted his head slightly and pressed his lips to the Kazzac’s, drinking in the sensation of their scaly texture. A soft groan sounded from somewhere deep within the Kazzac’s massive body, and it parted its lips more, to let the long reptile tongue sweep gently long the human’s lips. This time it was Jeff who moaned and shivered from the feeling of the warm tongue pampering his lips.

| More venom was oozing free of the Kazzac’s fangs, sliding down Jeff’s cheeks in a sticky golden trail. Jeff parted his lips, letting his own tongue touch the Kazzac’s, whimpering at the sheer pleasure of it – the taste. The Kazzac lifted away slowly, leaving the human with mouth partly open and shivers of pleasure traversing his body. Venom dripped down from one of the fangs into the human’s open mouth, and Jeff drank it down ravenously. It tasted both too sweet and too sour at once, teasing his intensified senses all the more. His head spun, leaving him in the feeling that it was nothing more than an intoxicating dream, yet with more feeling than he had ever thought possible to experience with his body. As the creature raised itself slightly, Jeff could see the Kazzac was aroused – its long reddish member had inched its way out in excitement. Just below it and its sack was another surprise – a slit in the scaly skin, leaking small amounts of glistening moisture. In his normal state of mind, Jeff might have been shocked at the sight, or perhaps interested in learning more about a creature possessing both reproductive systems, but at the moment, the thought was too distant to even notice.

| In his ecstasy, Jeff hadn’t even noticed his own arousal, leaving his member ridged with readiness. The Kazzac, however, did. Placing both clawed hands beside the human’s head, the Kazzac lowered its body until its scaly chest was pressing warmly against Jeff’s. It raised its haunches slightly and found the stiff human organ, guiding it slowly into the warm pulsing lips and channel that desired it. Jeff tensed his body and let out a long moan as the Kazzac began to pump its hind quarter up and down, clenching and relaxing its cavernous insides against the rigid human staff. The Kazzac’s mouth hung slightly open and its tongue lulled out to one side, eye’s half closed in fantastic pleasure.

| Even with his diminished strength, Jeff’s hands clawed at the smooth cave floor, tensing and releasing as the Kazzac’s intimacy continued. Jeff moaned and grunted, gasping for air every now and then, and wondering if he was breathing at all between them. The feeling was beyond description – his heightened senses made the experience outshine any physical experience had had ever had.

| The powerful muscles of the Kazzac’s hind legs throbbed and jiggled with effort is it sped up the pumping action. Its mouth hung further open, and its tongue lapped at the oozing venom in its fangs. Harder and faster it went, letting out a long eerie moan that mingled with the pleasure filled sounds of the human. Suddenly, it stopped with hind end raised, and Jeff barely inside it. Jeff felt a quiver along its scaly body and heard a ragged breath, then the Kazzac slammed back down hard, clenching Jeff’s member inside of it tightly.

| The quickness and strength of it was too much, and Jeff arched his head and back and let out a pleasure filled yelp as his seed erupted forth. As the sticky white fluid filled the insides of the Kazzac, it reared its head and let out a long roar; its vagina orgasming in response to the warm human seed. Moisture poured down into Jeff’s lap, washing over his middle, making him groan harder amidst an intense shiver. As the feeling for both faded, the Kazzac let out a strange cooing sound, and lowered its lips to Jeff’s. Its tongue licked tenderly along the human’s lips, and Jeff parted them to let it in. The Kazzac’s tongue explored the human’s mouth, making Jeff shiver from near sensory overload.

| After a moment longer, it raised to full height, and stepped back from its human partner. Jeff lay shivering a moment longer, taking in gasping breaths, and waiting for the electrifying sensations in his body to settle. The Kazzac merely stood, panting slightly, and watching.

| Slowly the sensations eased, and Jeff gained enough senses to look up, hardly noticing until now that the Kazzac had moved away. It stood only a few feet away, watching, panting. Its member was still erect, and a slight hint of whiteness adorned its head. Jeff struggled to sit up, fighting hard against the lulling weakness that had stripped away his energy and replaced it with feeling. He rose slowly to his feet, wobbling, and stepped to the creature. It let out a soft growl, almost playful in temperament, but didn’t move. Jeff took another step, fighting for balance. That distant forgotten part of him might have wondered why he was doing this, but he couldn’t help it – he had to! Another step, and he fell forward.

| The Kazzac nimbly caught him under his shoulders, and effortlessly held the weight. Even the feeling of its touch made the human whimper longingly. It smiled, and lowered its head to his. Their mouths met again, and the Kazzac’s tongue whisked into the human’s mouth, exploring, teasing. Jeff closed his eyes and moaned softly as the reptilian tongue danced inside of him. The taste of its saliva, its venom, filled his mouth and teased his senses beyond confusion.

| After a moment, The Kazzac lifted slowly away, carefully releasing its supporting hold on the human. Jeff gasped and fought for balance again, steadying himself with a hand against the Kazzac’s abs. Before him, its glistening member hung in readiness, wafting an enticing scent to his nostrils. Jeff swallowed, and stared at it, transfixed on it for reasons beyond his lack of reasoning. He looked up slowly to the Kazzac’s face, and found it watching him again. Its scaly lips smiled gently, and it nodded to him. He knew what it meant. He hoped for it. Grasping the ridged organ, and half using it for balance, he slid its tip into his mouth, and began to run the tip of his tongue teasingly along its base. His hands stroked slowly up and down the smooth slick walls, and the Kazzac closed its eyes in a long deep growl of contentment.

| Up and down Jeff’s hands slid, the moisture of the shaft and his own perspiration making the effort smooth and gentle. He slid his tongue along the hot tip in his mouth, occasionally lifting away and tapping at it teasingly – admiring how it quivered when he did. He pumped his hands up and down harder, faster, and the Kazzac let out a blissful yowl in response. Lifting one hand from the rock hard shaft, Jeff felt underneath, finding the scaly sack and its two companions. He caressed it gently, hearing the creature groan in response. Suddenly, he felt them quiver, and the organ in his hands swell.

| The Kazzac’s hot white seed poured into Jeff’s mouth as the creature reared its head in a long low moan. Jeff gulped down mouthful after mouthful of the Kazzac’s salty sweet pleasure, moaning softly between swallowing as he did. Venom squirted freely from the fangs of the creature, making wild golden trails in the air as the Kazzac’s head quivered and moaned. It slowed after a moment, and ceased, leaving both beings quivering and weak.

| Jeff fell in a heap at the Kazzac’s feet, and the creature itself slowly lowered itself to the cave floor beside the human. Both laid there, panting, and staring wearily into the others eyes. Jeff’s head was spinning – so much so now that his body felt as if it were floating. Slowly, his eyes closed, and his consciousness faded.


| Jeff woke with a start, lifting his head and looking around the cave. There was no sign of the Kazzac again. He placed a hand on his head and took a deep breath. Holy shit! What the fuck was that!? The memories of what had happened were still there, and were vividly replaying themselves in his mind. He sat up, and for a long moment, tried to reason things out in his head. The venom… it must heighten senses… but why? Why me? Why a human? How could I…

| His thoughts were cut short by a gentle hissing. The Kazzac stepped around the corner, and stopped, holding him with its strange orange gaze. Jeff gulped, and his eyes swept along the powerful reptilian body, stopping momentarily on the big clawed feet. Sudden understanding filled him. He whispered softly, in shock "… it… it amplifies desire… the venom… it makes what we think…" His whisper trailed off as the Kazzac nodded.

| "Yessssssssssss" came the odd voice in response.

| Jeff shivered, and slowly rose to his feet. He took a step towards the Kazzac, who remained perfectly still. "Y… you understand me? Us… that is?" Again the creature nodded. Jeff felt a shiver traverse his spine, thinking of the dead villager. "What happened to the villager from a few days ago… why was she dead and me alive?"

| The Kazzac’s head tilted slightly, and it strained to make its lips and tongue articulate the response. "Sss Pannnnnnnnnnic."

| Jeff raised a brow. "You mean she panicked… and… the venom amplified it?"

| "Ssss Yesssssssssssss"

| Silence ensued for a moment, as both beings stood a few feet from one another. Jeff sighed and stepped up to the Kazzac, placing a hand on its massive chest. "It was an accident – you didn’t mean for her to be hurt, did you?"

| The creature hissed softly and took a step back at Jeff’s touch, almost shyly, then shook its head. Jeff nodded. "I didn’t think so." His thoughts were racing – wondering what to do, what to say – to the Kazzac, and to everyone back at the village. He couldn’t even explain what he felt to himself!

| He looked up at the creature, and smiled awkwardly. "I... enjoyed what happened. Very much." The Kazzac began to smile, though it actually appeared to look bashful. "I have to go back though… I can’t stay here… they’ll come looking for me… for you, and other humans won’t understand. They would try to hurt you."

| The creature nodded slowly, for it knew man well enough to know how two-faced the human race could be. It took a step forward, bringing itself close to Jeff. "Sss commmmmmme baaaaaaaaaaaack?"

| The human smiled and nodded, then reached up to touch the creature’s snout. "I will… I... I think I have what you wanted to find in a human, d... don’t I?"

| The Kazzac nodded and smiled "Ssss Yesssssssssssss." It lowered its scaly lips to Jeff’s mouth and pressed them against it gently. Even without the intoxicating effects of the venom in Jeff’s body, the feeling was incredible. He kissed it softly in return, and stepped back after a moment.

| "I’ll think of something so I can stay… so I can come more often." An awkward feeling was setting in, and Jeff found himself not wanting to leave the Kazzac alone. Still, he had to return to the village, and he would have to think up one hell of a story to explain things. The Kazzac nodded and let out a soft hiss, stepping aside on the cave floor to let the human pass.

| Jeff slowly began to walk past it, and stopped. "People call you the Kazzac… is that your name?"

| Again the creature nodded. "Yessssssssssss."

| Jeff smiled. "Mine’s Jeff. Umm… I’ll come back soon… tomorrow, okay?"

| Kazzac nodded and his lips contorted awkwardly. "Sss... J... Jeeehhhhhfffffffff…sss." It smiled at him, and nodded to accept his proposal. He turned the corner of the cave, and soon found his way out.

| He wasn’t exactly sure what Kazzac had done with his clothes, but it didn’t really matter – he always kept a change of cloths in the SUV. After getting back to the vehicle and dressing, he started the long and bumpy ride back to the village, trying to fathom what the hell he was going to say about it – how to keep people from the area, how to hide what had really happened. He thought about himself a lot – about his childhood, and his obsession with dinosaurs. Little did he realize that it would ultimately play itself out and make sense because of a creature named Kazzac. He shook his head and laughed out loud. "Oh man… why me!" Despite the chaotic thoughts filling his consciousness, Jeff couldn’t help but smile for the entire bumpy trip home.

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