The Castle Foyer

You've been traveling for hours, after hearing tales of a tall, mighty castle owned by a mysterious dragon. Finally, you have found the castle of legend, the last bastion before the acres of forest beyond. There is also a path leading away from the castle, toward a well-traveled crossroad, which may hold its own mysteries.

The castle has a moat, complete with one or two sleeping alligators, but the drawbridge is down and the front gate is unlocked. The castle looks dark and foreboding on the outside, but on the inside it is warm, inviting, and cozy. The stone walls are decorated with hanging Serpentis tapestries and torches lit with colored magus flames. There are pictures and portraits everywhere of many different creatures - dragons, canines, kangaroos, charrs, and others. Overall, the castle's decor is a flamboyant mix between the medieval arcane and modern fancy. For every magical trick and effect, you can spot electric lights and devices.

The corridors lead to different parts of the castle, and your host is still nowhere to be found. If you want to find that dragon, you may have to do some exploring.
Where will you go?

The (D)ragon's Chambers

The (G)allery

The (L)ibrary

The (A)rcade

The (C)rossroads

The Halls of (K)nowledge
-The last update to this site was on: November 27, 2007, Evening-