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visited my page!
Welcome back to the website.
I'm going through a little bit of restyling, so all of the
pages right now are linking off to token placeholders Frontpage creates. I'm
working on it though, so don't fret. Everything is backed up for the last
site, and should reappear here, with some exceptions and some new material.
As well as a new interface if I can get myself together to make a customized
General News
The Gallery's been emptied, and leads to the token Photos page for
now. There'll be an update here as soon as I get it up and running.
There will eventually be a link here to a sort of database of the
goings-on of the site and myself, but for now the only goings-on are my
efforts to redo this site, and to keep my university studies afloat.
You'll see news here too as soon as that happens.
On a side note, I am not taking commissions anymore, they prove too
hectic for me to do, and take too long. So, if any more are going to be
done, they'll be auctioned off, on Furbid perhaps, and notices of such
will be posted here.
Update: June 2nd, 2005 - I'm done, ignore everything here. I'm no longer drawing, so please stop contacting me and being pissed that I haven't put my page back up. Now leave me alone. |