Luc is working in her room, it's kindof late. She strips down and then puts on a ceremonial robe. She lights two candles, on either side of a book, and then sits on a cushion in front of it, eyes closed. She sits there for a time, mouthing a few syllables, drawing forth energy. There is a noise outside, a small animal jumping perhaps, which makes her open her eyes and blink toward the window for a second, but she regains her composure and goes back to what she was doing. However, in that lapse, she has done something wrong with her part of the energies she has summoned focus on her, some go to you as well... Seth_Cheetah lays in bed sleeping, being a fairly heavy sleeper but not so heavy that nothing can wake him, your magic energy flows into him though he does nothing but sleep on as the moonlight streams in his window Luc continues to concentrate, but her breath catches as she feels her breasts begin to grow. Again, her concentration is disrupted slightly, but she pushes on, closing the spell so she can be more aware of the changes. Seth_Cheetah stirs slishglty in his sleep but doesn't wake as the moonlight streams into his room in such a way that he is sihlouetted to anyone standing in his door frame, unseen by him is the growth of his own young body, most noticeable is his male sexual organs but also less noticeable is the growth of his muscles and body as well Luc breathes deeply, opening her eyes and looking down at her chest. She can already see a more evident bulge the fabric of her robe, as her breasts grow. Slowly, her hands shaking slightly, she loosens the robe and pulls it open so she can see her breasts completely. Seth_Cheetah continues to lay in bed, growing slowly but visibly as your magic works upon his young body, before your magic hit him he was average sized for a male but now he was beginning to look more than above average as he grows in his sleep, his sheet not yet moving but if it continues it will be more noticeable Luc stares down at her chest, as her breasts enlarge. She cups them as they round out, each about the size of what she could hold in both hands. She begins to rub softly, smiling, as she relaxes...this is about the size she had been hoping for. The sensation increases however, as she keeps rubbing, moaning softly, as her breasts continue to grow. Seth_Cheetah continues to sleep and grow as your magic works on him, the intensity of the magic also hitting him harder as his maleness grows even faster, beginning to bulge his sheet a bit as the moonlight bathes his bed through his window, as he has also grown by about 3 inches in height and added about 10 pounds of muscle Luc takes a few seconds to realize that her breasts have continued to grow, and while she begins to worry, realizing that she did not absorb all of the energy she had summoned, the feeling of her hands on her breasts is so pleasant that she continues to hold them, watching them grow. At the same time, she can feel her body warming slightly, particularly her seems to her just plain arousal from touching her breasts, but it's actually something more. Seth_Cheetah continues to sleep and grow, the bulge in his sheet rising higher and higher as his growth continues, his boxers beginning to strain against his growth as well, in his dream he's being chased by something and is calling for you, unknown to him your mind also picks this up though very vague and probably easy to miss Luc feels herself drawn to you in some way, although she's not sure what. She forces herself to get up and pull her robe shut, although her breasts are still growing, swaying slightly as she moves, each now bigger than a canteloupe. She leaves her room and begins heading toward yours... Seth_Cheetah continues to lay in bed sleeping, his growth speeding up as you draw closer, now at least 6 inches taller and 25 pounds of muscle heavier with a maleness that could easily be called gigantic now Luc reaches your room, stepping into the doorway to look in on you. Her breasts have continued to grow, and while they are heavy, she has no trouble managing them at this point. Unbeknownst to her, her body begins to emit stronger pheremones, too, going into heat. She gasps as she sees you. "Oh's more than I could've expected..." And as she gazes at you, her pussy begins to moisten. Seth_Cheetah continues to sleep and grow, before your very eyes his sheet rises more and more from the bulge in his boxers, which you can hear beginning to rip now as his other growth keeps on though at a slower speed than his cock and balls growth Luc takes a deep breath and steps into your room, begining to breath heavily, as her breasts strain against her robe, trying to push it open. She can feel moisture starting to trickle down her legs as her pussy wettens more, growing hotter, the lips getting puffy and swollen with desire. Seth_Cheetah continues to sleep and grow, his size such that he could never fit any woman now as his boxers give out with a final rip and his cock tents the sheet at least 2 feet long now, his balls easily softball sized the moonlight bathing over his form adding to the erotic sense of the scene Luc moans, her body hot with desire, as her robe parts, revealing her heavy breasts, nearly as large as watermellons. She seems to stop growing, however, although her pussy is starting to drip slightly, so swollen and sensitive, she can feel it as she steps right up to the bed. Seth_Cheetah continues to sleep as the tent of his sheet continues to hide his shaft as it grows ever more massive for you and you can hear that his entire body is growing popping and creaking as he is now a foot taller than his 5 foot height from before and now 40 pounds heavier with muscle which is clearly visible Luc licks at her lips slightly, placing a hand on your shoulder and shaking you gently. "Wake up..." she says quietly. Seth_Cheetah doesn't wake up right away but does stir as his growth continues, now at least 2 and a half feet long and in a matter of seconds 6 foot 6 and still growing the sheet still hiding that massive prick Luc breathes deeply, shaking you a little harder. "Please...I've done something to us...wake up." There is a slightly creek as her hips widen some. Seth_Cheetah groans and wakes up some but still groggy doesn't catch on yet, his growth still occurring as he reaches 3 feet in length with balls easily soccer ball sized and now 7 feet tall which leaves his feet hanging over the edge of his bed, and now bulging with muscle looking like a lightweight boxer Luc leans over you, to hold both of your shoulders, her breasts rubbing against you. "Please wake up...I need you..." Seth_Cheetah blinks a bit and says, "For what?" as he can now feel what's going on and also feels his massive cock pressed to one of your hips as his growth continues, looking into your eyes for an explanation Luc lets go of you and pulls back a little. "I...I don't know completely...but something has happened to us." Her eyes seem to say more than her words, however...there is a look of appology, but an even stronger one of lust. Seth_Cheetah sits up on the edge of his bed the sheet still covering him his now 8 foot figure and 3 and a half foot long cock unmistakeable as he looks into your eyes and nods, "How can I help?" Luc gazes at you, her breasts rubbing against your cock. "I...I don't know yet..." She blushes, just not ready to put it into words. "I was doing a spell...and it turned out wrong..." Seth_Cheetah nods and listens obviously enjoying the feel of your breasts as his growing continues, his bodily growth speeding up some as his muscles bulge and ripple more under his fur and skin now easily at the threshold of physical perfection and still increasing as he watches you seeing your breasts and wondering why they're still not growing, like he is Luc moans rubbing against you, her nipples hard and poking against your cock. She shivers, as her breasts tremble slightly, growing more, getting heavier. Her breasts rub up and down on your cock as she breathes, each breath deep as she lets her robe fall from her body. Seth_Cheetah watches as you strip off the robe and wonders silently how you wished for him to help as his growth continues, now 9 feet tall and even more ripped with muscle as his sac are huge, slightly larger than soccerballs and still growing Luc reaches out to take hold of your hands, her breasts starting to get in the way of her reach. "I don't think I can fix anything...not in our current...condition..." She presses closer to you, feeling your body rubbing against hers. "It's hard to think straight like this...." Seth_Cheetah nods not quite understanding as he continues to swell and grow as you touch his hands and his cock grows to 4 feet long and his balls are twice the size of soccerballs, now 10 feet tall and growing even faster, not knowing that deep within his seed is more potent than any male you have ever heard of due to your magic Luc nuzzles against your cock, her breasts trembling slightly as they grow, her hips creaking agains as they widen. She moans slightly, feeling juices leaking from her pussy in high amount. Inside of her, her womb is growing, preparing for fertilization, as eggs are not only released, but new eggs form within her, increasing her potential fertilization. Seth_Cheetah groans and watches you as you nuzzle his cock hard as ever and still growing as our bodies prepare for breeding and he reaches 12 feet tall and more ripped than anything you could imagine\ Luc puts her arms around your cock, her breasts getting pushed apart to either side of your cock so that she can reach. She gazes up at you. "Our bodies have strong needs...." Seth_Cheetah nods and watches you as he lays down to show you his willingness no longer fitting properly on his bed as his seed continue to change with him, the potential for children grows with each surge of his growth, and also the size of the children as he surges to 15 feet tall in this surge his cock 4 and a half feet long Luc gasps, crawling into the bed with you, her breasts jolting larger, giving her some difficulty in movement now...slowing her down, making her an easier mate to catch, not that she's trying to run. She squirms, her hips broadening again, to better carry and birth children, her mammaries now producing milk in readiness for children, her body strengthening itself to withstand the harshest of matings and vast, large litters. Seth_Cheetah groans and watches you allowing you to crawl atop him as his growth continues, being a most powerful and desired mate your magic working well upon him and he seems to be enjoying it very much as he sees your body preparing for child bearing as his sac begin to grow even faster to make for more breeding potential Luc pants slightly, rubbing against you, her pussy dripping. "I...I need you to...mount me..." Seth_Cheetah nods needing the same as his powerful frame now 20 feet tall with a 5 foot cock and balls the size of small beachballs continue to grow as his seed continue to grow more potent and strong, unseen they also get larger some as his massive paws wrap around your waist and lift you up slowly, beginning to lift you towards a height where he can insert himself into you Luc shivers slightly, her breasts heaving with each breath, beads of milk starting to leak from them. Her flesh begins to strengthen, becoming stretchable without worry. Her bones grow thicker and stronger, too, to be better able to support herself when she is heavy with children. Seth_Cheetah groans and grunts as he can feel his growth continue, now 25 feet tall and his sac now the size of medium beachballs, you reach the peak of his reach and he begins to lower you down onto his cock eying your breasts hungrily as your magic works and he thinks to himself, "I like your magic sis..." Luc gasps, her pussy dripping hot juices over your cock. "I need to be mated so badly..." She rubs at her breasts, making them leak more, her pussy getting more swollen, but also signifigantly more resilient. Seth_Cheetah groans and grunts as he quickly lowers you down your lips now pressing to his cock tip and he continues to eye your breasts as if wanting to suckle from them, his cock now 7.5 feet long on his 30 foot frame he says, "Unless we want to destroy the house you might want to move us outside somewhere private..." as his sac are now nearly bean bag chair sized and still growing, a bit of his seed leaks out and his semen are so large you can just barely make them out now, his children will be quite massive if the seed has anything to say Luc moans, her pussy squeezing at the tip of your cock some. "Unh...yes...I know a field not far from here...get us outside quickly...I can direct you from there." Seth_Cheetah groans and says, "I can't fit through doors, you'll have to teleport us... If you can..." as he continues to grow even more massive for you and his sac keep swelling(Sizes I refer to now are in comparison to my size, which would be "Normal" for him) Luc moans, trying not to squirm on your cock too much, as her pussy leaks all around it. She concentrates, closing her eyes, trying to regulate her breathing, slowly and deeply. Just as you hear the floor starting to groan, there is a shimmer and a wave of energy. Everything goes blurry for just a moment, and then you can see a field lit by moonlight and surrounded by trees. There's more than enough room for you to stretch out on the ground if you want, although the trees are just barely as taller than you are. Seth_Cheetah groans and sighs with relief from the cramped room to this as he reaches 40 feet tall with a ten foot cock and his sac continue to swell, another drop of seed leaks out the size of his semen now double what they were before as he eyes you hungrily and raises you up a bit preparing to spear you on his cock and he looks to see if you've changed anymore seeming to hunger for your milk Somewhere on the muck, Nekora has connected. Luc has grown some, but she is still out of proportion with you. Her breasts are heavy and constantly leaking, and had her frame not strengthened herself, she'd have a lot of trouble getting around. Seth_Cheetah groans and lets you drop though still holding you, his massive cock spearing into your sex as a drop of seed leaks out again just before you get speared his semen now are quadrupled from the first time you saw them and still he grows ever more massive Luc gasps and moans, feeling you spreading her sex wide, your cock making a bulge pass through her body as it goes deeper. Her pussy is wet and hot, tight around your cock while simultaneously being soft. Seth_Cheetah continues to grow and is close enough to lean up and suckle from your breasts as he asks with his eyes if you want more of him another uncontrolled drop of seed leaking into your womb as he lowers you unto his shaft further Luc groans, gazing at you with a look of need...her breasts are almost sore, being so swollen, and her body gives no protest to you pushing in deeper. Somewhere on the muck, Fursa has disconnected. Seth_Cheetah groans and grunts as the semen within his seed begin to search out eggs within you and he suckles gently but firmly from your breasts feeding as he reaches 50 feet tall with a 12.5 foot cock Luc moans, her nipples rewarding you with a stream of her milk, warm, somewhat sweet tasting. She squirms on your cock some, the bulge deep within her, her pussy stretched unimaginably around it, yet still squeezing at your length. Seth_Cheetah groans and bucks lightly as you continue to slide down his cock now about 6 feet down and still going further as you can feel his semen swimming around in your womb in their search for eggs, his suckling eager as if asking for more breast to suckle from(Not more in numbers but size) Luc groans, feeling her breasts tremble again, as your feeding from her triggers more milk production, and her breasts swell more, bigger than a normal sized pregnant belly each. The stream of milk intensifies, too, as her nipples grow longer and thicker. She moans, feeling your semen moving in her belly, and attaching to eggs, as her body releases even more fore fertilization. Seth_Cheetah groans and takes that release as desire for more, as another bubble of seed leaks into you and he gently pets over your head and down your back lovingly Luc moans, feeling her belly swelling, just from your release of pre, as her pussy clenches at your cock, her juices growing thicker. Seth_Cheetah groans and grunts as you are now fully upon him as that was not pre but more seed/semen as he can feel your eggs beginning to grow into the children they will become Luc pants some, rocking herself on your cock, her breasts still giving you a steady supply of milk. Her pussy keeps working at your cock, and as she moves, you can feel your cockhead getting pressed in different ways within her body. Seth_Cheetah groans and chuffs a bit with the pleasure as the latest batch of semen begin swimming around within your womb, our children growing quickly within you pressed against his cock, somehow his desires are known and they are females Luc moans, thinking of the fertilization and pregnancy...and how it feels so good, and she wants to do this often, to be fertilized often and become very very pregnant. She can feel your sperm searching out her eggs, fertilizing them, and then the joined sperm and egg growing within her. Her breasts sag a bit more heavily, as she produces more milk. Seth_Cheetah groans and pants as he feels you working him his daughters growing within you, a bit larger and more powerful than you but definitely female as he reaches 75 feet tall and 18.75 feet of cock our daughters large breasts press to his massive cock as he feels the cycle of seed and eggs becoming almost constant now, still suckling from you as he again strokes down your back lovingly Luc pants, clutching at her swollen body as her pussy spasms around your cock. She rocks herself harder, feeling our children moving within her body, and your cock bumping around inside of her. Seth_Cheetah groans and churns a bit as he suckles from you, our daughters continue to press to him their breasts growing a bit as they stay within you now fully matured and ready to bear young as he looks into your eyes Luc blinks her eyes some, and gazes back at you lovingly, still rocking herself on your cock. She licks her lips, her breasts still supplying you with a good flow. Seth_Cheetah groans and feels our daughters as they massge my cock with their breasts and his eyes ask if he may fertilize our daughters within you, giving your a kiss Luc kisses back, tasting her milk on your lips. She mmms deeply and nods against you, knowing she will swell even more, and thus desiring it even more strongly. Seth_Cheetah groans and grunts as you feel his cock spread with a massive bubble of seed his semen swimming around and finding no eggs this time search out another source, one for each daughter as they find them the daughters jerk their heads up in pleasure as those massive seed now 10 times the size they were previously, begin to slowly push into the girls spreading them wide as they enter their wombs, alone making them look pregnant Luc moans, her pussy clenching desperately at your cock, her body suddenly releasing a new batch of eggs. Her breasts bulge out again suddenly, filling up more with milk, each one now as big as the rest of her body minus the belly. Seth_Cheetah groans and grunts with all the pleasure as the daughters eggs become fertilized and another bubble of seed erupts into you to fertilize them Luc whimpers slightly, her belly is so swollen, she can barely take in the size of it as something attached to her. Still , her body is intent on pregnancy and the sensations are so pleasurable, she continues to rock on your cock, doing her best to hump it. Seth_Cheetah groans as another bubble of seed for our daughters creeps in and they search out their wombs, now 25 times their former size Luc closes her eyes and moves with the sensations, having trouble moving her body with such swollen breasts and belly. Her pussy clenches harder, almost milking at your cock and she cries out, her juices flowing hard and fast, the thickest yet, the flesh of her femsex rippling in orgasm Seth_Cheetah groans and grunts as the massive seed work into the girls even more slowly and stretch them even wider as he can feel the energies beginning to die down his growth slowing as well Luc moans and gasps, the motion within her body, prolonging her orgasm, her breasts swelling more, as her body releases another batch of eggs, as things start to wind down. Seth_Cheetah groans now a hundred feet tall with a 25 foot cock as more semen searches out your eggs and our daughters, his semen now 75 times their previous size and his body the most powerful of any male you've seen, also the mose desireable of any zebra you've seen, even if you weren't in heat you might consider mounting him again for the fun Luc pants and groans, her orgasm continuing, but slowly starting to die down, as she feels so much swimming around within her. Her breasts jostle and swell some more now, bigger than she can imagine. Seth_Cheetah groans and thrusts up as his orgasm peaks and then drops down to the ground with a earth shaking crash, still suckling from you he again kisses you Luc moans, her orgasm subsiding, her breasts rewarding you with an endless supply of milk as you drink from her. Seth_Cheetah groans and slowly begins to pulls from you as the semen begins to swim into our daughters and he continues to kiss until fully withdrawn Luc moans against you, her breasts leaking milk. She breathes deeply in the musky air. Seth_Cheetah pants softly and releases from the kiss for a moment the night is still dark and moonlit bathing his massive and impressive form in it's soft light Luc settles against you, although with how swollen her body is, she can't move herself anywhere. However, she is content and feels quite good, if a bit tired. Seth_Cheetah smiles and gently strokes you a bit feeling that massive dome of daughters you carry and also hoping our daughters enjoy their three children each, easily several hundred within you and them combined You say, "Sister..." Luc smiles at you. "Brother..." You say, "Is there any way you could make my clothes bigger or make some new ones for me?" Seth_Cheetah smiles a bit and continues to caress you lovingly Luc hmms and nods. "Yes...given time, I think I can do that. I may need to study some spells first." Seth_Cheetah nods gently as he admires your new form and says, "You'll need new clothes too..." gently patting your massive bust and belly, "I am curious if it would be possible for you to always keep pregnant..." Luc smiles. "It is likely possible as we the very least we could mate as soon as I give birth. If that isn't good enough, I'm sure I could do something to help it..."