stompy's Code

Created by: Selendro



When the world starts
world.start animation


  world.start animation ( )
    No variables
       trex say Hehe you go squish now.
  Do together
       trex.rightThigh turn backward 0.01 revolutions duration = 2 seconds
  trex.rightThigh.leg.lowerLeg.foot turn forward .04 revolutions duration = 2 seconds
  trex.rightThigh move up 3 meters duration = 1.5 seconds
  trex.leftThigh turn forward 0.05 revolutions duration = 2 seconds
  trex.leftThigh.leg.lowerLeg.foot turn backward 0.05 revolutions duration = 2 seconds
  trex.rightThigh move forward 3 meters duration = 2 seconds
  trex.leftThigh move down .7 meters duration = 2 seconds
  trex move forward 3 meters duration = 2 seconds
  trex.leftThigh move backward .5 meters duration = 2 seconds
  girl.body.leftArm turn right 0.5 revolutions duration = 1 second
  girl.body.rightArm turn left 0.5 revolutions duration = 1 second
  girl.body.neck.head turn backward .15 revolutions duration = 2 seconds
  trex say Shrink!
  Do together
       girl resize 0.2 style = abruptly duration = 1 second
  girl move down 0.5 meters duration = 1 second
  girl say Nooooo!
  Do together
       trex.rightThigh turn forward 0.01 revolutions style = abruptly duration = 0.15 seconds
  trex.rightThigh.leg.lowerLeg.foot turn backward 0.04 revolutions style = abruptly duration = 0.15 seconds
  trex.rightThigh move down 1 meter style = abruptly duration = 0.15 seconds
  Do together
       trex.rightThigh move down 2 meters style = abruptly duration = 0.15 seconds
  girl play sound world.stomp (0:00.607)
  girl play sound world.squish2 (0:00.663)
  girl set color to (1, 0, 0)
  trex.rightThigh turn left .1 revolutions
  trex.rightThigh turn right 0.25 revolutions
  trex.rightThigh turn left .15 revolutions
  Do together
       trex.rightThigh move up 2 meters
  girl move up 2 meters
  trex say Ha! She's stuck between my toes.
  Loop 3 times times
       Do together
       trex.rightThigh roll left .005 revolutions duration = 0.5 seconds
  trex.rightThigh.leg.lowerLeg.foot.rightClaw.middleClaw.leftClaw turn forward 0.2 revolutions duration = 0.5 seconds
  trex.rightThigh.leg.lowerLeg.foot.rightClaw.middleClaw turn backward 0.1 revolutions duration = 0.5 seconds
  Do together
       trex.rightThigh roll right 0.01 revolutions duration = 0.5 seconds
  trex.rightThigh.leg.lowerLeg.foot.rightClaw.middleClaw.leftClaw turn backward .4 revolutions duration = 0.5 seconds
  trex.rightThigh.leg.lowerLeg.foot.rightClaw.middleClaw turn forward 0.2 revolutions duration = 0.5 seconds
  Do together
       trex.rightThigh roll left .005 revolutions duration = 0.5 seconds
  trex.rightThigh.leg.lowerLeg.foot.rightClaw.middleClaw.leftClaw turn forward 0.2 revolutions duration = 0.5 seconds
  trex.rightThigh.leg.lowerLeg.foot.rightClaw.middleClaw turn backward 0.1 revolutions duration = 0.5 seconds
  Do together
       girl turn forward 0.25 revolutions
  girl move down 3.5 meters duration = 1 second
  girl play sound world.thud1 (0:00.391)
  Do together
       trex move backward 3 meters
  trex.rightThigh move backward 3 meters
  trex.rightThigh move down 2 meters
  trex.leftThigh turn backward 0.05 revolutions
  trex.leftThigh.leg.lowerLeg.foot turn forward 0.05 revolutions
  trex.leftThigh move up 0.7 meters
  trex.leftThigh move forward 0.5 meters
  trex play sound world.thud2 (0:00.444)
  Do together
       camera move amount = 20 meters away from target = world
  camera move up 2 meters
  Do together
       trex.neck.head.jaw turn forward .06 revolutions
  trex.neck.head turn backward 0.08 revolutions
  trex.neck.head say ROAR! That felt good! fontSize = 25
  Do together
       trex.neck.head.jaw turn backward 0.06 revolutions
  trex.neck.head turn forward .08 revolutions