( The day was quite bright and sunny. The everyday bustle of downtown Chicago thrummed onwards, oblivious to the approaching shadows on the horizons... Not many people even l ooked up as the small footquakes started to shake the streets... Few even thought that such quakes could exist this far from a faultline.... until they saw the source... ) ( A triple intersecting set of mobile faults releasing seismic destruction not seen sin ce the Last ice age... ) Brongaar looks to the cityscape below him, stops just short of downtown Nyterious pads up next to Brongaar and looks over the expanse of city, "nice place they got here" ( Some of the people just look up agape. Is... is that real? Is it some kind of parade float? But it's not a parade day... and.... smoke coming from behind them? How is all t his possible? Who's publicity stunt is this? ) Brongaar grabs the train up off of the rails, causing the passengers inside to be throw n about, screaming wildly! ( Some people get the idea, and start to high tail it outta there... but others just lo ok on, wondering what kind of show this is, and what will happen. Are they filming for a movie? Where are the cameras? Hi Mom! ) ( The crowd screams as the floating apparitions seem too solid for balloons and as fast as fighter jets. The train spits sparks as it's torn off the rails. ) Brongaar looks at the train, "I see more angry humans here that I have seen at the stabl es, look at them trying to scramble away..." ( People in the train are thrown about like dolls. They're more frightened than angry.. . what the hell is going on? A giant horse? It's all too much for their small minds to take in... ) Nyterious pads up to the Sears Tower and presses herself against the cool side of it. S he peers through the windows and grins as she sees all the people gathered there watchi ng the destruction. Brongaar snorts smelling the train, the wetness of his breath fogs the windows. ( Dozens are flattened under Nyterious' paws as she makes her way to the gleaming black tower. Most of the building's windows are sturdy plexiglass, but they can't handle wha t pressure is being applied to them now... dozens of tiny faces peer in wonder and horr or at the giant now leaning against the tallest building like it was just a simple tree ... that sways lightly in the wind. ) ( The train exudes a scent of fear. Death too, since the frail creatures inside are bei ng broken by the jostling. Screams of panic are slowly replaced with yowls of pain as t he train starts to take more damage. It wasn't built to be handled... ) ( Small heads bob and gap at a blue vulpine painted in a tight fitting upper body suit, accenting the raised bumps around her nipples as she stares at the glass tower, a vast tongue scrapes over toothy chops. ) Nyterious splays her toes against the ground and slowly grinds herself against the buil ding a bit, teasing it's occupants, but leaving the tower standing for now. She backs up a bit, putting her footpaws down on more panicked masses as she does a slow bump and grind kinda dance. Her music, the destruction caused by her paws... Brongaar smells the train and tosses the train into the air. ( Those with more sense in their brains than in their loins start to make a mad dash fo r the stairs in the Tower... the other 90% just... watch as the playful vulpine display s herself to them... those down by her feet get the extreme close-up view of her pawpad s, though, and are flattened to paste by the dozens as they try to get away. Those comi ng out of the tower are warned by this grisly show of power to stay inside, lest they b e flattened as well... ) ( The sheer G-forces of the train's spinning ascent silence anyone still breathing insi de the doomed railcar... it spirals through the air almost surreally silent.... ) Nyterious pauses in the dance to catch the spinning car, and looks at the train. She licks over her muzzle as she peers inside, "mmm, a snack?" ( Those with no brains in the lower tower reaches gape at a set of vast hips swaying in front of them, the dark cloth riding upwards to a peak. The spinacre acrage growing da rker in tone as the vixen sways and her damp scent of arousal fills the dust, debris la den air. ) Brongaar nickers, "Tried to eat it, but can't get the filling out" ( There is no motion in the car. Some faint moaning can be heard, amongst the interiour debris... ) ( Those in the train hear the bass words and a chorus of mewing and cries of fear drift u p from the commuter car Nyterious is holding. ) Brongaar crushes some helpless victims under his feet, making little snap, crackle and popping noises. Nyterious looks over the train a moment longer, then shrugs and tosses it away. She goes back to her show of dancing in the street as it were, her tails crashing through other buildings in the area. Nyterious drops the train, which crashes against the pavement. The resulting carnage is just too gruesome to describe ... Naw, it isn't, really, but we'll just say that there's a whole lot less screaming from inside the train now. ( A vast blue furred form, with tails whipsawing about like scythes dances on the boulevard, swaying and s curving her suited upper half. ) Brongaar get a buzzing helicopter by his ear, he shakes his head as the helicopter makes a mad dash away from his head. ( The little creatures pose no resistance at all as they pop apart beneath hundreds of tons of weight. Neither can the asphalt support such size, and it crackles like a thin layer of ice. Full panic has gripped the crowds, and they dash madly away from certain death... but it catches up to them anyway, in the form of huge chunks of debris raining down from tail-shaped swaths from other skyscrapers. Others perish when a train car slams down in their path, exploding into a firey cataclysm of heat... ) Brongaar swishes his tail, trying to get that buzzing chopper away from his head ( Nearly a thousand or more people are trapped between the gigantic pair, the rubble of a dozen buildings, and the flames from the train... but look! The army is arriving! They will save them from the horrible monsters! A squadron of helicopters can now be seen buzzing around... ) Brongaar snatchs the helicopter out of the air! Nyterious does a full spin, lifting one paw off the ground like a dancer. The paw still on the ground happens to have a bus under it. The thin metal shell gets twisted into almost nothingness, much like those that were inside it. She settles her paw back down again and grins at those still in the tower before her. ( The multiple vibrating thwack thwack of attack helicopters pick up the oddest images on their fire control radars, two vast forms, one resembling a vulpine and the other a horse loom out of the smoke. The pilot's jaws gape open at the sight. ) ( The little piece of metal wails in protest, before breaking in half... it doesn't explode for a half second after that, leaving a broken tail in Brongaar's grip... ) Brongaar snorts to the news helicopter, he sees the reporter yammering something before he tosses the thing into the air ( A blur of blue fur gyrates and spins, The bus grins under as it becomes a spinning fulcrum for the twirling vixen. Her tail tips slice through a nearby ten story building like a blue lasers, causing a brave camera man to topple over and scream as he falls to the ground. ) Brongaar hurls the helicopter into a nearby building, causing a minor explosion. What a scoop *that* was, huh? Nyterious looks over the army and coos, "Wanna play catch with the tanks?" ( a column of tanks swirl around a corner, guns swiveling up and down, trying to lock onto the smiling blue furred canine. ) Brongaar nods, "of course" ( The ten story building breaks in half at the tailswipe..... showers of debris pepper the trapped crowds below, as the building implodes upon itself. With a tremendous roar, it collapses into a huge pile of debris... burying thousands within the ruins... ) Dogfire's muffled bark hardly can be heard above the debris's roar. Nyterious grabs the first tank in the line up and grins, "catch..." she tosses it to Brongaar. This would leave her bent slightly over in front of the Sears tower, her tails giving those inside a nice view Brongaar turns on a hoof, the tanker truck, and bus under him are ground to nothingness, as he catches the tank ( The more brainless member of the Sear's tower workers gape their collective jaws at the sight of hiked up tails, showing a very exposed rump, outlined by the heart shaped pull of her lower suit. ) ( Several faint at the view. Others watch in terror as a tank... a Military tank! Is hurled like a football high overhead. Some are ground to hamburger beneath Brongaar's hooves as well as several vehicles, but he does make the catch... no word on whether the tank's crew is still responsive... ) Brongaar looks at the tank keeping the muzzle of the cannon away from him and Nyterious Nyterious grins slyly, "catch!" she scoops up and throws three more tanks. Her throws are very wild though, aiming for buildings, rather than the big hoss Brongaar reaches for one before it crashes into a tower, then catches another one... he juggles the 4 tanks as he stands on one hoof ( The tanks in the rear columns start to make a hasty retreat, firing once or twice wildly... They know that they can't win this alone! Meanwhile, through deft maneuvering, the giant horse has managed to catch three more tanks before they can smash into buildings... but not at the expense of more crushed people below. The fancy footwork has made Fancy Ketchup out of several dozen more trapped civilians... ) Nyterious now looks up to the choppers and taunts the pilots, "Why so high, fly boys? Can't take the heat?" She looks around and spots her next target...the McDonalds, "fast food always gives me indigestion..." Brongaar tosses the 4 tanks into Lake Michigan, one tank skips on the water before sinking and the other 3 splash near the shore ( A few refugees stare outwards from the MacDonald's, hiding under bent tables as the glass front is now alligatered from cracked tempered glass. ) Nyterious starts whistling a tune ... "You de-serve a break to-day!..." She satisfies her hunger by chowing down the local McDonald's restaurant. BURP! Nyterious licks over her muzzle and grins up at the choppers, "Fly or Fry boys...you've got about half a second" Brongaar smashes and grinds cars, trucks, motorcycles and other vehicles under his hooves. If he keeps going on like this, he might actually solve the city's smog problem! Nyterious breathes out a stream of flame that incinerates all that it touches! Nyterious aims at the helicopters, leaning a bit foward as she does ( The half bitten building grows ebony black as flames incinerate the remaining interior. ) ( This sudden gout of flame surprises most of the choppers... and they have little to no time to react as the fire engulfs them.... Explosions pepper the air with clouds of smoke... ) Brongaar leans down, and grabs a fully laden bus from the freeway Nyterious licks over her muzzle and giggles coyly like a school girl, "scuse me!" She turns her attention towards the Sears Tower once again and pads back to it, this time her dance is a bit more fluid. Her outfit having ridden up some allowing more peek that it did before ( The traffic has ground to a halt as the massive equine strides through the crowded streets, smashing cars, trucks, and countless tiny people under each thunderous impact... this is contradictory to the care that the mostrous horse shows, picking up a single bus from the melange of cars and vechicles... ) Brongaar peers to the driver before chomping on the front of the bus like a giant cigar ( A blue furred, multi tailed form dances in front of the Sears tower, gyrating as her outfit hikes upwards and she teasingly draws her fingers on a lower triangle of dark cloth slowly being pulled back. ) Nyterious throws her arms up behind her head, arching her body out as she moves around to the other sides of the building that she hasn't danced on yet. More of that lovely destruction beneath her massive paws makes her music as she moves. ( The driver of the bus is white with fear. Several passengers whimper in terror as the massive horse casually examines their vehicle. One faint scream is all that the driver can muster before the front of the bus is bitten off like a candy bar, taking several front seats with it out into the empty space. Screams from those plummeting to their deaths trigger chaos in the bus as they all try to pack into the back... ) Brongaar kicks his head back as he shakes the bus' occupants fill his mouth... he then discards the empty bus ( Like swirling horizonal blue tornados. Nyterious's vast form sways and swishes them about. She seems to view the Sears tower as a mirror as she coyly steps up close, lifting her body suit up, hiking it tight around a vixen crotch as if inspecting it's layout. Tails flag, exposing more views to a stunned and now brained audience. The smart having fled to the basement a long time ago. ) ( There is a faint wail as nearly two dozen people fall out of the bus, down through empty space, and into the gaping maw of the giant. Death clamps down and seals their fate. The now empty bus crashes onto a building's roof with a faint shattering of glass and debris... ) Brongaar walks down the street, his hooves crushing the vehicles to nothingness as he chews his mouthful of victims, he swallows and leans against a hi-rise, picking random bits of metal out of his blood-stained teeth Nyterious looks at a section of street that's not been touched by her yet. She stride down the middle of it, turning cars to crushed tin cans. She gets a good distance from the tower and then turns and grins over her shoulder. She leans down, giving her audiance a view of her exposed rear as she takes a car and crushes it into a ball between her paws. ( People flee from their gridlocked vehicles in sheer terror as the titanic equine strides through their midst. Several sections of the raised highway collapse entirely, tilting crazily and hurling their payloads down to the side. Many are crushed underhoof, but hundreds are killed by the sudden pileup of cars that slides down onto them. Small fires break out and spread through the wreckage, trapping and burning many survivors... ) ( A rustle in the tower can be seen as the crowd inside seems to follow the movements of Nyterious to the other side. Like filings being drawn about by a swaying magnet and poles of very attracted views of her rump, with a flagged up tails exposing a her rear, the dark fabric now damp and showing ragged tears on the underside of her crotch. ) Nyterious turns to face her viewers again and suddenly drops down into full blown splits. Her legs extending several dozen yards up and down the street Brongaar jumps, and lands squarely on his hooves, crushing 3 abandoned tanks under his hooves as the asphalt yields to his weight a 25 story hi-rise topples in front of him, the stomp sending vibrations to the other parts of the city knocking down a few of the older buildings Nyterious throws her arms out wide, her fists ripping through building on either side of her as her large form drops to the street with earth shaking force ( The boulevard becomes a runway for a slim leggy form landing down on the road in gymnastic splits. Her crotch lands on a parked SUV, flattening it like a pancake. Tears erupt around the road surface and from her clothing as her body suit seams give way around her crotch. She smiles toothily at the Sears tower as her body suit, torn, and ragged hikes up past her belly and backside as she straddles the road, naked and furred from the waist down. ) ( Tanks that were designed by the finest military minds of the world, designed to withstand rocket blasts, machie gun fire, and countless other hazards, become nothing more than tinfoil beneath the solid blasting of megatonnage. The shockwave easily shatters the foundations of skyscrapers nearby, sending their own loud collapses into the air. Plumes of dust and debris blossom, covering any fleeing civilians in debris and dust.... Hundreds perish almost instantly from the collapse of three buildings directly adjactant to the blast... ) Nyterious grabs a bus and flattens it between her hands like an accordion, leaving a mangle hunk of metal. Nyterious gets to her feet slowly, dusting off the debris and a few packed bodies from her fur. She doesn't seem to care that her outfit is ripped now, showing off more of her furred self as she swings her hips and shuffles her paws to a slightly different rythem of her own ( Long of muzzle and with exposed teeth, bared and snarling, the glacier blue fury snags the bus, slowly grinding the metal down into debris, her tails lash along the ground knocking over the remaining light standards in the center median. She sways to one side and draws herself up. Her ruined outfit now hiking upwards to form a torn tank top. The flexible fabric still able to keep her covered there. But below, the Sears tower audience views a field of light blue fur flowing through hips and into a triangle of clear blue white fur over a set of vixen crotch lips. Brongaar murhurhurs as he takes a view of vixen rump, he suddenly gets slightly aroused of all the destruction and the dancing vixen before him... he stomps a hoof crushing an Hummer under it ( tails fly erect and swaying like triple flags in a gale as the blue tower sways her vulpine hips in a slow gyration. ) Nyterious grins slyly over at Brongaar and sways her way towards him a bit. Now she does her dance for the big horse, her paws finding military vehicles that his hoofs hadn't. ( The humvee has no chance as it's crushed to a metal pancake underhoof. Most of the citizenry are staying out of sight, or underground if possible... ) ( Small fires now litter the areas affected by the rampage, sending small plumes of smoke skyward. A few news helicopters still buzz at a safe distance, and the air raid sirens are only interrupted by the occasional rumble of debris settling, or entire buildings losing their footing with the continual footquakes that crisscross the area with fine cracks ) Nyterious lifts a museum out of the ground, and drop-kicks it between two skyscrapers. A patron of the arts she certainly is not. Brongaar whickers to the Vixen as he kneels down, crushing a few abandoned cars under his knee as a museum flies over head... ( To and fro sways the vast blue fox. Tails erect and scents of arousal spreading around the dusty air like a damp fog. Her hindpaw connects with the remains of a concrete building, sending it between the Sears tower and a pockmarked tower. ) Nyterious slows her dance a bit and looks around at what's left, surveying the damage done so far, "anything left besides the big towers?" ( Several car alarms wail at the sudden thud of knees nearby. A couple are crushed out of existance before they start... The museum breaks apart in midair, but there is something that had gone unnoticed beyond the shards of the museum... The Sox Stadium. ) Nyterious takes a momment to stretch out her arms and legs, arching up and bouncing on the pads of her paws before she settles down again and looks over the stadium. "Care to do the honours?" ( a vast set of dark lips part over fangy teeth as a dark snout tinged with blue fur scans about. Her red eyes fixating on the tower. She smiles at her now fragmented reflection in the Tower and looks over at the Stadium, She lowers her hand to her lower hip, finger slowly tracing circles on her triangular patch of fur hovering above an aroused set of vulpine lower lips. ) Brongaar nods to Nyterious, then steps into the stadium, running his hand into the stands, wreaking havoc in the stadium. ( The game is in full swing, the dull explosions of the city barely heard over the crowd's roar... The stadium's design, to allow only those inside to see what's going on, and no one oustide, also is its flaw. No one inside can see out... at the approaching death. Right field explodes inward, and a hoof squelches the lone fielder before he even notices. Thousands of fans blink in bewilderment, before they are ground to paste by a roving hand crashing through dozens of stands! ) Nyterious grabs some power lines and tears them apart, sending sparks flying! Whoa! Cool special effects! Nyterious coys, "those were in my way." She pads back to the tower and grins at the audicance that's still watching her ( A blue form hopskotches across the access road to the Stadium parking lot. Pausing to part aside high tension lines as if they were a rude form of a baracade rope one has for controling spectator lines. She is the spectical. The last and final one for the stadium! ) ( All power snaps out for half the city, Sox Stadium included. The screams of terror redouble as the whole area is plunged into blackness... ) Nyterious stands with her back to the tower, her tail tips flicking over the sides of it getnly as she watches the big hoss play in the stadium Brongaar reclines in whar is left of Sox stadium, "Finally a park with comfortable seating", he whickers to Nyterious, his weight of his back crushing the concrete form as it conforms to his back Nyterious looks to her left a bit and finds a thigh-scraper that's still standing, albeit leaning a bit. She stands over it and winks at the hoss before she slowly lowers herself down a bit on top of the building ( The once glorious home of the Chicago White Sox is devastated, and crushed to conform with the now impossible weight set up on it. Screams of despair are cut off as thousands become pancaked between horse and stadium. The scoreboard topples from its post, sparking once or twice in protest... ) ( A blue rump flexes tails reminscient of the flags which once stood around the ruined stadium, a horse bed. Swishing about, a stray light standard flies outwards landing on distance car. Smiling down at a short out building, a brick and four story loft building. She edges over the building, blue legs tip toed and straddling the sides and slowly lowers her vast pelvis down atop the flat roof narrow building...her fingers run over her upper patch of now damp blue triangular fur. A lone outlooker, on the loft roof, stands stunned at the the tons of blue crotch descending down on him! ) ( The circling news helicopter is certainly getting some good shots of the macabre scene... it's obvious the pilot is having second thoughts about being so far away... ) Nyterious murrs softly as she settles a little heavily on top of the building. Her ears perk, was that a tiny yelp she heard before she sat down? She couldn't care less, splaying herself open a bit to encompass the top of the structure Brongaar gets to his hooves, a few drunk spectators have fled to the field, as they stay where they are and not crushed by his hooves, he watches as Nyterious takes a building like a giant sex-toy, he looks stunned as he looks to one of the spectators that are stunned by the site too ( Nyterious spreads her leg like a rider on top of a now crushed saddle of roof building, oblvious to a broken, but still recognizable outline of human figure stucke to spread open labdia lips edging over the buildings Intake vents. She smiles and arches her back, grinding her hips back and forth slowly over the building roof. Bricks spray outwards as she keeps her weight on her legs, enjoying the sensations of brick, the swept up roof onlooker and metal projections playing over her spread lips. She drops a finger, stirring herself wetly. ) ( Debris that lodges in Brongaar's backfur loosens and falls, raining seats, hot dog stands, and dozens of remains down onto the field. It seems that only the few still standing are on the field, the rest having been crushed int he destruction, or trapped within the ruined stadium... ) Nyterious moans softly as she settles down a little more, her toeclaws digging into the street below, her big claw ripping through a vehical that was left behind. She murrs as she hear's the building creaking and groning under her weight ( Panicking people begin to swarm out of the groaning building. Some end up plastered underpaw as they shift slightly... most just try to clear the blast radius to watch... ) ( Nyterious lifts her snout and yips in a vixen pitched howl, the pitch shatttering the few reamining windows in the loft area as she grinds her passions into the building. She darts her hips down, using the concrete lift shaft as a crude, pebbled verison of a vulpine todd's shaft, slowly penetrating her inner lips and soaking it in rivelets of aroused juices. ) Nyterious leans down, lifting herself off the building slighty and scooping up the feeling masses. She depositis them on the drenched rooftop and quickly settles herself back down on top of it, and them. ( Now there are more sensations besides solid concrete and steel. Flailing wildly in a vain attempt to escape, dozens of helpless humans are squelched into the mix... and send new bolts of arousal through the vixen's body... ) ( the remaining refugees from the undamaged loft buildings are snagged in padded forepaws. The city's well heeled elite and weathly, now reduced to becoming lubricating paste for a vixen Nyterious slowly rises and falls on her new toy, taking about as much of it into herself as she can. Her inner muscles grip and pull at it, tearing away bits and pieces as she takes her pleasure from the cities occupants. All the while she grins foxishly at the onlookers in the tall sears tower Brongaar watches the vixen pleasure herself on the building he feels a slight tug on his feathering, the 3 drunks want a better view, he scoops them up and sets them on his shoulder, he grins as he walks back downtown ( The vulpine idly reaches down and flicks the stained debris around her vixen sex. Looking down at the wrecked loft building, a sagging metal frame stripped of bricks and collapsed floors with the debris of the wealthy's abodes. She leans over and pats the remains of the elevator shaft as if to thank the stand-in for a todd. And turns to the Sears tower. She gazes at the horse and then back at the tower. Fixes a grin in the direction of the Sear's tower and scrapes a long blanketing tongue over her teeth. ) Brongaar grabs a bus and flattens it between his hands like an accordion, leaving a mangle hunk of metal. Nyterious pads up to the tower and hugs herself to it, trying not to crush it just yet. She bends her knees a bit and does a hip wiggle, trying to attract more of the horse's attetnion. Her scent is very heavy in the air ( It's odd how in the most terrifying situations, booze can make one more rational than a sober person. Instead of running away from a giant horse, the three actually get a better view of what's to come from his shoulder. He thunders his way back downtown... where the scent of Vixen is exponentially stronger... He shows off his might by packing an empty bus into a metal ball... ) Brongaar sniffs the air, a vixen in heat, the smoke, the dust, and did I mention a hot vixen? ( Flagging her tail high, she sways her hips seductively in the direction of the massive draft horse, outrigged in war gear. Carnivore scents of arousal that even an equine can't ignore. ) Nyterious raises her tails, letting them do their own dance as she grinds her sex against the corner edge of the building, leaving it streaked with her heat ( The tension in the air is almost electric... Even many of the humans seem to be under the spell of desire that lays heavily down upon them. Soon there's a small ring of human males around Nyterious, oblivious to the fact that there is debris raining down, squasing the unwary... Of course, the females have all hightailed it away... but they're looking at the horse from a greater distance... ) Brongaar follows his nose to Nyterious, he leans on the former loft building, he smooches her lightly as he slides his hands ofer her shoulder, making sure not to crush Dogfire in the process ( She turns her head back at the stallion, ignoring a few milling humans hypnotized by her entrancing scent. A twist of her hindpaw brings it down on a group. Mashing them wetly. Yet the ones standing several yards away remain. Drunk on her scent and reaching skywards as if they could claw their way in the air towards her fluttering tails and tail base, the oriface flexing in arousal and her long crevaced sex dripping moisture down on the lot. She grips the building as she looks back at the stallion, tails flexing out of the way, showing the way in... ) ( Few, if any of the humans on the ground even notice the approach of the other giant, and are consequently ignored as they vanish underhoof... The news helicopter slowly edges forward, trying to get the best shots without attracting attention... ) Dogfire merfs as he finds himself buried in her bosum and tank top remains. Somehow still intact. Nyterious does a deep bend, sliding her heated slit down along the edge, smearing her heat over it's cool surface. Her thighs hug the sides as she lowers herself down a bit, to the point her rear almsot touches the street before she rises up again, grinning back at Brongaar the whole time Brongaar drops his belt, as his armor hangs loosely on his body, the drunks are cheering on his shoulder, one almost falls to his death as his buddy catches him, his member visibly poking in his armor as he hukes up the metal weave of armor up exposing his shaft to her, the 3 drunks cheer wildly ( There's another wave of scent that mixes almost visibly in the air... both mingle and create an almost palpable area of scent... many pass out on the street from the sheer brute force that seems to pound them down... ) Nyterious steps back from teh tower and looks down at the now shiney and coated area. Seems she forgot that Brongaar was coming up behind her, and the fact that her own outfit is exposing herself to him ( a massive equine nickers and grips the equally tall vixen by her hips as the pair seem to smirk at the few onlookers inside the stained windows of the Sears Tower. . ) Brongaar snorts at the tower fogging up a few windows on the Sears Tower, he lightly grabs Nyterious by the hips and begins erotic rocking with her, not penetrating her though, the 3 drunkards cheer him on Nyterious leans back against the big hoss and murrs softly, spreading her legs a bit, her paws sliding across a few dozen more of the gathered males below. She bends foward a bit at the waist, winking back the the big male Brongaar stomps a hoof as about 20 horny onlookers die happy under his hoof as he penetrates Nyterious slowly and carefully, one of the drunks fall off his shoulder and lands on his shaft and is crushed in the insertion, lubricating him slightly. ( Nothing that ever had been seen on any scrambled cable channel could compare to what the camera crew on the lone chopper now records... the union of two megasized monsters... somehow attractive, even with all the chaotic death and destruction that now reigns supreme throuought Chicago... ) Nyterious curls her three tails about the big horse and moans soflty, her claws raking through a lone buidling next to the tower. She groans as she feels the little body pop between the two sexes and grins, "is that all you've got?" ( The vast horse neighes as the pair slowly merge. A massive horse shaft seemingly being swallowed up by a blue glaciated fury. Her forepaws splay outwards, gripping the corner edge of the Sears tower, shattering glass. Her fingers clutch spectators who stayed too near the corner windows. She yips in that high pitched manner of vixens as her fingers close over a bloody mass, and to the tune of squelching sounds of a Stallion taking her. ) ( The monolithic black tower still stands, now becoming a tribute to the awesome powers of union that now graces its presence. Anyone still watching the spectacle from inside the shuddering structure are lost to all reason... they can only watch, as the intoxicating scent has overpowered all instinct to survive... ) Brongaar whickers softly as he presses into Nyterious more, not even half of his shaft is in her yet, the 2 remaining drunks high-5 each other on the glorious death of their buddy, he drives into her more... Nyterious licks the bloody mess from her paw and reaches into the building agin, dragging a few dozen humans out in her fist and before the big horse can plunge deeper, she deposits them onto his exposed shaft, "mmm,...more..." Brongaar pumps into Nyterious as the blood of the populace lubricates the union, he whickers in pleasure as he reaches around with to tease her nipples through her halter top. ( The pair start a furious rhythm of pumping hips, swaying heads and co mingled grunts and moans, amplified by their vast sizes. Nyterious sweeps her forepaw in a trench alongside the black tower, creating a trench of shattered glass. And leans against the building as if using it as a vertical bed. Her tails flicker around Brongaar's waist and rump. One tail tip even seems to snake it's way under his own flagging horse tail and tickle underneath. Another tail arches like a cobra and strikes into the glass tower, spearing more hapless onlookers. ) Nyterious yips and moans, hugging herself tightly to the tower as she's rocked by the huge shaft within her ( The shimmering black spire shakes, windows all along its side shattering with a faint tinkling... The vibrations are intesifying, fast approaching the breaking point. The antennas on the top snap from the reverberations that the base of the tower recieves.. the rhythmic pounding whittling away at the mighty building's integrity... ) Brongaar swishes his tail, it slaps against a building smashing the windows, the 2 remaining drunks almost lose thier balance, but somehow keep their beer... he pumps harder into Nyterious, as is shaft goes deeper into her Nyterious gasps and pants, growling in lust as she's taken like a mare. Her claws rake down throught he floors of the tower, sending dozens falling to their doom ( Those killed in the powerful throes of the union die happily. The air is choked with debris, but still maintains its hypnotic effect.. the helicopter recording the event pans upwards at the Sears Tower... which now has a decided lean to it...." ) ( the pair lean and rake the building, compromising the front of the towers integrity. It slowly groans as steel beams shift and sway. A tower four times their height, but delicate compared to their scaled up and enhanced bodies. With a yelp, the vixen yips as she slams her hips up against Brongaar's hips, taking all of the stallion. Her cry shatters every window in the facing side of the tower. ) Nyterious coils one tail back under Brongaar's own tail, teasing the massavie sac from behind, her other two tailtips flick about, her foot paws finding the last few on lookers on the street below as her inner muscles ripple over the thick shaft within her Brongaar stomps again smashing a dozen more under his hoof, his balls begin to tighten as they prepare to deposit thier load. ( The cries of delight from the pair are echoed by the rumbling metallic groan of the once proud Sears Tower. It's foundations nearly destroyed, its windows shattered, the building slowly leans drunkenly... then faster... faster, and soon begins an almost dreamily slow fall downwards at the peak of the fervent actions around its base... ) Nyterious lays with the building, taking Brongaar with her, raising up on her hands and knees as she spreads her sex around the massive shaft. ( Debris shoots around like a volcanic eruption around two peaks of equine and vulpine fur, staining their fur to a dusty color. the pair still in the throes of meshing, howl and and slide about. ) Brongaar the pair of drunks fall off his shoulder and is caught in the union, they die happy in the colliding hips, as he stomps his hoof again, as his flare expands and climaxes into Nyterious sending gallons of seed into her Nyterious gruffs and growls, her belly rippling with the stallion's load. She lays flat, her weight flattening the tower completely around them ( There is an immense cloud of debris... the once mighty tower has fallen, but in its place has risen another monument of virility! And it has all been captured forever on camera, thanks to the diligent efforts of the news crew still flying overhead... The sheer power exuded from the climaxing pair sends a visible shockwave of air, swirling away all the debris from the ruined city around them... ) ( Still mated, the pair look upwards at the mayfly with rotaing wings hover out of reach. Instead of reaching for it, they smile. Equine flat teeth and blood stained vixen fangs smile for the camera. The pilot merely whistles. "Oh my living stars.." while the cameraman thinks of the underground and paid dollar signs he'll be getting from News bureau's for years to come. And cum the pair do as they seperate... ) Nyterious feels gallons of mixes fluids running from her freshly mated hole, "mmm..we shall have to do this again sometime" Brongaar smiles as he finishes up his climax, "Yes of course we will do this again" Dogfire faint bark drifts up from Nyterious's rumpled, tattered tank top front. The sole tiny ground dwelling suvivor. ( The only remaining survivors who witnessed the entire spectacle slowly draw away from the scene... the lone helicopter makes its way to safety, leaving with the best proof that love does know no bounds... Or property damage limits... )