Here's some really small actions you can attach to yourself... They
might help you learn some MPI so beware!
Ever drop something and wonder where your stuff went? Now you can find out where your Rose went or that dropped Balloon Vixen got stolen to...
@action findit=me
@succ findit={name:{&arg}} is at {name:{loc:{&arg}}} which
is owned by {owner:{loc:{&arg}}}
Assuming you have an item numbered 12345, you'd enter findit #12345
and it would report back it's name, where it's at, and who own's that location.
You can also find out what you own with the @find and @owned
commands as well as any registered names you have with @reg #me.
How to toggle a prop between 1 and 0... like your clothing. You'll have to add a @ofail if you want others to notice the change without you posing/saying it.
@action toggle=me
@Fail toggle={if:{prop:clothes,Morphy},Clothing on... {null:{store:1,clothes,Morphy}},Clothing
off... {null:{store:0,clothes,Morphy}}}