YumChat Log 1 


Story Copyright (C) By: those that appear withing 
2001 All rights reserved.

Story not to be reprinted, or redistributed, without author's Permission.

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GryphRaptor: *quietly walks in for a bit* heyas
Fat Bear Taur: *smiles.* Hello GryphRaptor.
Stalbon: *Nods to GR* Hello! *Clings to FBT protectively*
Fat Bear Taur: Whoa. Gryph. What a new look!
GryphRaptor: *chuckles softly* thanks....decided it was time to shift back to my original form...
Fat Bear Taur: Wow. You look...dangerous.
GryphRaptor: *purrs* I do? hmmmm...
Fat Bear Taur: Yes. Though the purr kind of makes you sound...cute. In a formidable sort of way. *grins*
GryphRaptor: *chuckles, and pads over, scritching you both lightly* I'll have to keep that in mind
Fat Bear Taur: *Growls deeply and scritches back while rubbing the dragon's scaly head.*
Stalbon: *Nuzzles the gryphraptor at hir scritching*
GryphRaptor: *continues to purr softly as shi scritches the two of you, shifting position a bit as shi does so*
Fat Bear Taur: *Pulls the gryphon to his other side and into his warm, furry bulk.* Hmm. Purrs in stereo. I could get used to this.
Stalbon: *Purrs deeper* Oh, I'm well used to this already Tolstoy. *Pulls himself deeper into his friend's bulk, while his tail hugs GR*
Palshife: *pads in and waves* Hiya Stalbon, Tolstoy, Gryph. :>
GryphRaptor: *grins and squeezes you both against one another, hir wings softly curling around your bodies as shi does so, nuzzling softly against your faces*
GryphRaptor: *tailwaves* heyas Palshife
Stalbon: ((Yea! Palshife! *Hugs her, patting her hide*))
Stalbon: *Also spreads his wings out around the other two, basking in their warmth*
Palshife: ((*chuckles* I'll just stay off to the side, here...dun know if you three are gonna have an RP or something... :> ))
Fat Bear Taur: Hello Palshife.
Stalbon: ((Oh, I truly hope we could...it would be awesome! ^_^ ))
Fat Bear Taur: *Grins widely.* Awww....this is sooo sweet. *growls deeply.*
GryphRaptor: *chuckles softly as slowly shi opens hir beak wide, and gently begins to guide both FBT and Stalbon between hir jaws, purring as shi caresses them both, squeezing them against one another* mmmm :)
Stalbon: *Blinks as his head is slowly pulled into the gryphraptor's maw, hir tongue licking over his face as he sees Tolstoy's head in there with him*
Fat Bear Taur: *Smiles and looks into the jaws for a moment. Then, he looks to the dragon and opens his jaws.*
GryphRaptor: *purrs deeply as shi begins to work both the taur and the dragon into hirself, licking them gently as hir jaws stretch wider and wider, slowly working down over their necks, as hir claws play gently over their bodies*
Stalbon: *He blinks as his vision is surrounded by two maws now, his muzzle being pulled into the bear taur's as it is pulled by the gryph's as well*
sharky: *the pools surface is parted by a 4 foot high gray dorsal fin*
Palshife: *gazes at the dorsal fin a moment, and smirks* Hello sushi
sharky: *the large fish swims along the shore line in search for food to fuel his massive body*
sharky: *lifts his head up ...and grins *..Hello Palshife
sharky: it is good to sea you dragon
Fat Bear Taur: *Growls deeply and pulls the dragon into his warm maw. He engulfs his head as he is pulled alongside into the gryphon's mouth.*
Palshife: C'mere...
GryphRaptor: *mmms at the mixed flavors of beartaur and dragon, continuing to slowly swallow, working hir jaws carefully over FBT's shoulders now, Stalbon's neck continuing to disappear into them both as shi begins to push hirself more firmly down around hir massive meal*
sharky: *pushes his body on the shore line half on the sands and half in the surf*..WHO ME ?
Stalbon: *His head slips into the bear's wide jaws as his neck enters GR's maw. He can see ahead Tolstoy's pulsing gullet as it grips his muzzle with powerful muscles*
Palshife: *nods* You're hungry, right? Here... *she opens his maw, takes a funnel and puts it into his maw. She then gets a huge barrel of chum, and starts pouring it into the funnel*
Fat Bear Taur: *Breathes deeply and pulls more of the dragon into his jaws. He begins to slobber over Stalbon as he is pushed into the bear's mouth and down his throat. Slowly, he feels the gryphon's throat expand all around him as he too, is slowly engulfed. His forepaws gently stroke the gryphon's skin as shi proceed to devour him.*
sharky: *gags at first as he is force fed ..but as soon as the chum hits his throat he begins to gulp it down...his midsection grows fat as he feeds and feeds and feeds*
GryphRaptor: *smiles around hir massive meal, hir throat already bulging out quite a bit as shi begins to work over Stalbon's shoulders now as well, hir jaws squeezing the dragon into FBT's softness, squeezing them against one another as shi works steadily over FBT's upper torso
Palshife: *grins as she gives the shark a nice, plump belly* There you are...is that better?
sharky: *has reached his limit his belly is swollen to the max and can not take any more food in*
Stalbon: *His claws flex and rub the bear's fore belly as his head slides completely into Tolstoy's throat, his neck entering the maw of the bear as his shoulders touch the gryphraptor's beak*
sharky: *his eyes widen as he realizes the funnel is STUCK in his jaws a look of panic reaches the sharks face as the chum continues to fill his gut*
Palshife: *chuckles and takes out the funnel before the poor shark bursts, giggling as he flails his fins about over his huge gut*
Fat Bear Taur: *Swallows hard and pushes more of Stalbon into his waiting jaws. He grasps his sides and gently guides the dragon deeper into his slick mouth. His tongue slithering over and tasting the dragon. The bear squirms a little as he feels his upper body slide into the embrace of the gryphon's throat. He continues to stroke hir skin gently, using his hind legs to push himself deeper into hir embrace.*
sharky: *lays on the beach like a beached whale his belly has lifted the shark off the beach ..he teeters back and forth on his gut like a see-saw*
GryphRaptor: *purrs deeply, the vibrations flowing through both FBT and Stalbon, caressing their bodies as shi carefully takes them both into hirself, feeling FBT gobbling up the dragon at the same time, hir beak slowly squeezing down around FBT's foregut, sliding over Stalbon's back now as well
Palshife: *grins at Sharky* Mmmm...stuffed sushi is always good...*she smiles at Sharky* Mind feeding me?
Stalbon: *He purrs as his neck slips deeper into the bear's throat, bulging out his thick neck inside GR's own, that big tongue of his lathering him in saliva as he feels his middle start to enter the gryphraptor's maw, his upper body bulging out hir throat alongside Tolstoy's body*
sharky: *eyes widen as he hears theses words ..but he cant move he is so stuffed his fins hang off his sides like to useless stubs*
sharky: NOW NOW ...Palshife don't do anything harsh now
Fat Bear Taur: *Swallows again and pulls more of the dragon's body into his own. Stalbon's head slides down the bear's throat and is soon followed by his shoulders. His belly lands on the bear's tongue and is thoroughly drenched in saliva. The bear looks up and sees that his well on his way into the gryphon's throat. He pulls the dragon closer as he feels the warm, slick throat of the gryphon surround him. His hind legs and forelegs continuing to push.*
Palshife: *frowns and pouts* Oh, alright, I'll let you be, Sharky.
GryphRaptor: *groans softly as shi stretches around the massive meal FBT and Stalbon make, purring in pleasure as shi licks them all over, gulping steadily with the aid of FBT's pushing, his upper body soon completely within hir body as shi begins to work on the even larger portion of his lower body, pressing the beartaur and dragon against and into each other as shi gulps*
Stalbon: *His head pops into the large fore belly of the bear as his shoulders slide on the tongue to the throat, his chest passing through the lips. Tolstoy's now-slick paws grip him tighter and closer to his body as they travel towards the gryphraptor's stomach*
sharky: *lets off a sigh as he hears her words*
Fat Bear Taur: *The bear swallows hard and pulls more of the dragon into his gullet. Stalbon's belly slides into the bear's throat and begins it's decent. His body is pulled and pushed from all directions as the ursine's esophagus works to pull his form towards the bear's stomach. The bear feels his own fore body pulled completely into the gryphon's throat. He wiggles a bit as his forepaws grasp hir sides.*
Stalbon: *His slickened belly easily slides past Tolstoy's hugely distended jaws and into his throat, bulging out the bear's neck massively. He looks around in the fore stomach as more of his neck and soon his shoulders enter it, bulging it out a bit*
sharky: *sighs*..Palshife...what am I suppose to due now I am so stuffed I am stuck here
GryphRaptor: *struggles with the massive meal, hir jaws stretching even wider as FBT's lower belly begins to squeeze into hir embrace, pressing Stalbon's own belly tightly against the taur as shi works hir way downwards over them both, hir belly beginning to stretch larger and larger as the enormous meal begins to slip into it's embrace, hir inner muscles deeply massaging both dragon and taur
Palshife: *says softly* I can help you back into the water if you like
sharky: help me ?...ummm do I dare trust you...WHAT if u fattened me up ..just to devour me ...I know how you dragon types are
Stalbon: ((Yes sharky, we just LOVE big juicy meals!))
sharky: *glares at Stalbon*
GryphRaptor: ((*GRINS* could always stuff the guppy down my throat...and have both FBT and then Stalbon gobble him up... ;) ))
Palshife: *snorts softly* Can't a dragon feed her friend without getting accused? *she sighs a bit* Whatever. *she pads over to Sharky and picks him up in her jaws around his middle, and pads over to the waters edge, placing him in the water* There. Such a big fuss....
Fat Bear Taur: *Growls deeply as he begins to engulf Stalbon's legs. Slowly, he pushes the dragon into the warm and wet fore stomach. It shudders as it receives the dragon. As his own belly is filled, the bear can feel his massive form slowly slide into the gryphon. His forelegs disappear and is slowly followed by his lower belly. His hind legs continue to push against the ground, slowly helping Gryph pull more of the bear into hir body. His forelegs gently pull what's left of the dragon closer as he nuzzles and licks the inner muscles that now surround him.*
Stalbon: ((Mmm...sounds yummy! :) ))
Fat Bear Taur: ((Would love some sushi to go with dragon.))
sharky: *hits the water and realizes he was wrong although he will never admit it*...*he is speechless*..ummm...errr...umm...thanks
Palshife: (( No stealing my meals, unless you plan on giving it back to me...and not the way you'd quite think... :P ))
GryphRaptor: *slowly grips FBT's lower body, and heaves him and Stalbon upwards, sitting back, tilting hir head back to allow gravity to help hir get the two into hir eager belly, groaning as shi gulps steadily, licking softly over their bodies, feeling Stalbon disappearing into the beartaur's body, even as they both disappear into hir own
Stalbon: *The bear's fore belly now full to bursting, the passage to the hind belly opens and he starts to slide into that, his own massive middle distending the bear's throat enormously as the furry lips work to engulf his hind legs. He feels his tail slide through GR's maw and into her throat, barely a bulge compared to the massive bear taur*
sharky: Ok Palshife I was wrong I owe you one...name your price but this is between us *winks*.. OK?
Palshife: *smiles at Sharky and winks back* Of course...could...*she bites her under lip* Could I eat you? You know how much I love sushi...
Fat Bear Taur: *Gulps hard and begins to slowly engulf the dragon's feet completely; his throat bulging massively as he completely surrounds Stalbon with his own, furry body. The dragon upper body is immediately pushed into the passage leading to the hind belly. The bear's inner muscles gently pushing and pulling the dragon along. Now, only his tail remains outside of the bear and within the gryphon. The bear feels as the gryphon lifts his huge form up and he slides deeper into hir embrace. He squirms a bit as he feels hir tongue over his furry body. His hind legs, try to reach forward to touch hir, even as they come closer to being engulfed.*
sharky: *looks around deep down inside he loves the attention she gives him...but he has pride *..*whispers*..yes ..but do me a favor let me act like you over powered me I have a rep to keep up ..I hope you understand
Palshife: *nods a little* I do...*smiling, and when no one is looking, plants a small kiss on the shark's snout*
sharky: *blushes a bit*
Stalbon: *His hind claws are finally sucked into the bear's maw, the tongue tasting them over while Stalbon's tail hangs limply from the jaws, massaged by the gryphon-hybrid's throat. His head is pushed into the much larger hind belly, where he sees he'll have far more room*
sharky: *shuts his eyes and whispers * I am ready
Palshife: *nods and lets out a loud roar, grasping you in her fore claws, telepathing* You gotta rep to keep, right? It's all show, don't worry.
sharky: *in a very mono-tone voice*.. no wait stop ..please don't harm me ....
sharky: *winks *
Palshife: *does her best to suppress a chuckle, keeping up the ruse that she's overtaken Sharky...opening her jaws wide and shoving his snout into her maw*
sharky: *flicks his tail back and forth
GryphRaptor: *gulps powerfully, slowly squeezing FBT's lower belly into hir mouth, groaning in pleasure at the massive meal, feeling Stalbon curling up inside the beartaur as shi in turn gobbles them both up, hir belly stretching larger and larger as it strains to accommodate them both, hir jaws slowly sliding upwards around FBT's hindquarters, the tip of Stalbon's tail still sticking out, but not for long
sharky: *flicks his tail back and forth in the water to act like he is fighting the powerful beast*
Palshife: *raises Sharky over her head, holding him parallel to the ground and pulling him into her maw, her throat wrapping around his snout and pulling him into her throat*
sharky: *shuts his eyes in pleasure as he feels the hot maw of the dragon engulph his head...behind him his tail flicks madly from side to side*
Fat Bear Taur: *The bear slurps down the dragon's tail and swallows; completely engulfing Stalbon. The dragon's hindquarters are gently pushed into the massive fore belly. Then, as before, the rest of Stalbon is sent into the slick and warm passage between stomachs. The bear growls deeply as he feels his bulging hind belly engulfed by GR. Slowly, his hind legs reach up and lovingly rub against the gryphon's skin. He grunts loudly as his stuffed hind belly is squeezed into hir throat. Slowly, more and more of the bear disappears into the gryphon's embrace.*
Palshife: *pulls the 'flailing' shark in deeper, her throat starting to bulge as the huge fish is pulled in deeper, her long black tongue snaking out and curling around his body, both to aid in pulling him inside and to get a nice taste of the fish*
sharky: *his head enters her throat as he is swallowed his head forces the throat open wider *
Stalbon: *His tail is slurped up like spaghetti, it's tip disappearing from outside GR's beak as it slides down Tolstoy's throat. His massive belly starts to push out the bear's hind stomach as it enters, his feet and tail plopping into the slowly shrinking fore belly*
GryphRaptor: *reaches up, gripping FBT's hind legs and pulls him into hirself, licking his stuffed belly, feeling Stalbon wriggling around within as hir throat deeply massages the two of them, groaning in pleasure as hir jaws slip upwards, enveloping FBT's hindquarters now, only his hind legs still sticking out, the rest of him an immense bulge within hir throat and belly, his outline quite visible beneath hir tightly stretched flesh
sharky: *grins wide inside her throat as he feels the tongue of the dragon lick his body*
Fat Bear Taur: *Slowly, Stalbon is pulled irresistibly towards the hind belly. Finally he lands in the second stomach and is caressed and massaged by the bear's stomach. He feels his hind legs grasped and smiles as he knows he is about to fall completely into hir embrace. He can feel the gryphon's throat all around him as he descends into hir. *
Palshife: *swallows deeply, her tongue pulling at the same time, drawing the shark into her throat up to his middle, turning him to the side a bit to work around his dorsal fin, which makes a peculiar bulge as it passes into her throat with the rest of the shark's upper half*
Stalbon: *The muscles inside the fore stomach push his hindquarters and tail through the passage and into the hind belly, the entrance sealing behind as he is forced to curl up, the chamber distended hugely around him. His wriggling form would be clearly visible were he not already inside the gryphraptor*
sharky: *the large flat tail of the shark shudders with pleasure as he is swallowed ..sharky has always deep down inside like this Female dragon he would never admit it...but at times he wishes he was a male dragon instead of a shark*
GryphRaptor: *swallows slowly, FBT's hind legs slipping out of view as hir tongue coils up around them, pulling them into hir mouth as shi gulps eagerly, hir throat rippling as it pulls the very well fed beartaur downwards, hir deep purr vibrating powerfully through FBT and Stalbon as they slip into the soft embrace of hir stomach, hir claws tracing over the massive bulge they make inside hir* mmmm....
Palshife: *reading Sharky's thoughts, she telepaths to him* Really now..? I think I can help with that, once this is over...*she swallows again, letting go of the shark and allowing gravity to assist on her feeding of the shark, his snout entering her belly as the rest of his body is massaged by the velvety passages of her throat, pulling his body completely into her throat, tongue licking his tail all over and purrring around him*
sharky: *shudders more as the tongue of the dragon licks the base of his tail*..*he grins wide as he hears her thoughts and cant wait until he has re-formed*
Fat Bear Taur: *The bear closes his eyes and smiles as he feels GR close hir jaws around his hind legs. As he descends into hir body, a massive, squirming bulge is clearly visible beneath hir skin. He growls loudly as he is caressed by the gryphon's throat. Slowly, the bear's massive form curls up in hir belly; causing it to bulge out massively. He sighs. As he is now curled up within hir, he gently nuzzles his hind belly and the dragon within.*
Stalbon: *He purrs deeply as the bear massages him inside the hind belly. He feels the walls tighten up a bit as Tolstoy is squeezed into GR's bulging stomach, barely able to fit inside it as he is barely able to fit inside Tolstoy!*
Palshife: *gulps hard around the shark, pulling more of his body into her stomach and slurping up his fluked tail, the bulge in her neck turning into a bulge in her belly as her stomach visibly distends, filled and stretched out greatly with the large shark*
GryphRaptor: *smiles as shi sits there, stroking hir enormous belly, purring deeply in pleasure, feeling FBT slowly curling up within hir depths, nuzzling his own overstuffed belly. Sighing in contentment shi leans back a bit, to enjoy such an enormous meal*
Palshife: *smiles over at GryphRaptor, waddling over to hir and lying down on her side, rubbing hir swollen gut* Looks like you had a pretty large meal there yourself...
Fat Bear Taur: *Growls deeply and shifts a little within hir belly, enjoying hir warm embrace once again. He gently strokes his hind belly and nuzzles into the walls of GR's stomach.*
GryphRaptor: *purrs and nods* very...* smiling at the dragoness, scritching her lightly, hir belly rippling with FBT's motions within*
sharky: *settles into her belly as he completely swallowed ..his body is surrounded by soft flesh and acids *
Palshife: *takes a moment from rubbing Gryph's belly to utter arcane words, treating her acids so they won't cause Sharky pain as he's digested*
Stalbon: *He feels a rubbing outside of his belly, surmising someone is stroking GR's huge gut. He purrs louder and squirms around in Tolstoy's stomach as the bear rubs his own massive tummy*
Fat Bear Taur: *The bear's hind stomach shudders all around Stalbon. The gryphon's belly trembles a bit. Then, deep inside hir, a loud belch is heard.*
sharky: *wraps his tail around his body the best he can...as he is pushed into her stomach deeper*
GryphRaptor: *mmms softly at the caresses, both from outside and in, purring deeply as shi caresses Palshife in return, smiling at the dragoness*
Stalbon: *He hears the huge belch reverberate around him and smiles knowing the bear definitely enjoyed his feast*
Fat Bear Taur: *Wishes someone would take a pic of the dragoness and the gryphon.*
Stalbon: *as does he*
Palshife: *murrrs softly to Gryph, her stomach shifting and wiggling about as Sharky gets comfortable inside her, smiling at Gryph* Interesting creature you are...both gryphon and raptor....
GryphRaptor: *purrs, cuddling the dragoness against hir massive stomach, rubbing gently against her own well-fed gut* thank you my dear...you're quite attractive yourself....* as shi continues to gently stroke Palshife, grinning at the muffled burp from deep inside hir belly*
Palshife: *blushes deeply at the compliment, purrring as her tummy is stroked, belching softly, letting out Sharky's spirit and cuddling close to Gryph*
sharky: *reforms in the water and swims to the shore line...he just stares at Palshife and smiles*...*he whispers *..one day my dear dragon...one day we will fly and hunt side by side..
GryphRaptor: *smiles at Palshife, letting hir claws roam gently over her body, caressing her tenderly as she cuddles up against hir, a large wing gently curling around her*
Palshife: *her mind telepaths to him* Yes, we will...
Palshife: *purrrs softly as Gryph's wings wrap about her...feeling comfortable near the gryphraptor where she'd normally have a somewhat irrational fear of anything vaguely gryphonic...massaging the sides of hir distended belly and nuzzling hir huge tum, her tongue snaking out to lick hir belly*
Fat Bear Taur: ((As much as I would love to stick around, I need to go. Seeya folks.))
GryphRaptor: *curls hir head down and licks Palshife lightly in return, enjoying cuddling with the dragoness, shifting a bit, hir large belly pressing overtop of her a bit more*
Stalbon: ((Alright then, see you next time and thanks for the great RP!))
sharky: *swims around wondering what it would be like to be a dragon
GryphRaptor: ((*grins and pats hir belly* yes, thanks for the great meal FBT :) hope to see you again soon :) ))
Fat Bear Taur: ((Bye))
Palshife: (( Take care Tolstoy )) *she purrrs deeply, rather liking the feel of the bird-like tongue on her belly, feeling Gryph's belly start to press over her own bloated gut*
GryphRaptor: *continues to lightly lick, teasing Palshife with hir long tongue, tickling the dragoness, as hir gut spreads out a bit overtop of Palshife's own
Palshife: *purrrrrrs deeply, watching GryphRaptor climb atop her, their two huge guts pressing together, and raising a questioning eye ridge, more in a playful manner than that of shock, reaching her forepaws up around her belly and rubbing hir's...*
Stalbon: *He continues purring as he feels Palshife's stroking through two bellies. He rubs up against it, bulging out GR's tummy under the dragoness's talons*
GryphRaptor: *smiles at the dragoness, soon laying atop her, their bellies pressing against one another as shi rubs softly back and forth, purring deeply as shi nibbles gently along Palshife's neck, hir belly vibrating a bit from the purring coming from Stalbon deep inside hir and Tolstoy
Palshife: *pets a little more firmly where she notices the familiar bulge of her friend, smiling back at Gryph as their bellies rub together, a deep purrr emanating from her throat, the vibrations tickling both Gryph and hir meals, purrring a bit more deeply as she feels hir beak nibble at her neck...* Mmmm...that feels nice, Gryph....
GryphRaptor: *purrs and continues to nibble, hir and Palshife's bellies rubbing firmly against one another, though the dragoness' is surrounded quite a bit by hir own, hir long tail rubbing softly overtop Palshife's own as shi rubs hir claws gently over the dragoness as well
Palshife: *shivers a little and purrrs deeply as hir talons scritch her belly lightly, rubbing hir back lightly and scritching her back in return with her talons*
Palshife: (( hir, sorry...geez, you think with someone planning to become a herm, that they'd get the pronouns right at least... ))
GryphRaptor: *gently draws Palshife's muzzle to hir own, kissing the dragoness, purring softly as shi does so, gently holding her beneath hir swollen belly, caressing the dragoness' own stomach as hir tail continues to slide along Palshife's own* mmmm...enjoying this my dear dragoness?
GryphRaptor: ((heh :) ))
Palshife: *shivers both at the tail rubbing along the underside of hers, and the kiss GryphRaptor gives her, returning it and telepathing* Yessss...very much so, thank you....*though she couldn't be more than obvious about it, what with the scent of her heat filling the air like sweet perfume...*
GryphRaptor: *continues to gently tease the dragoness, rubbing softly against her, feeling hir meals wriggling around a bit within hir, adding to the caresses above Palshife's own belly, purring deeply as gently shi begins to rub a bit more firmly against Palshife
Palshife: *purrrrs softly as Gryph rubs her more firmly, her own meal's squirming subsiding as her acids do their work, licking Gryph's beak playfully and gazing at hir...*
GryphRaptor: *nuzzles Palshife gently, and slowly rubs hir own arousal against the dragoness', stroking her tenderly as shi continues to rub firmly against her, their tails slowly twining about one another as shi hugs Palshife firmly
Palshife: *she purrrrs deeply as the gryphraptor continues her gentle massage of her belly, shuddering a bit with excitement and anticipation as she feels hir arousal bump her inflamed sex*
GryphRaptor: *mmms softly and gently slips into Palshife, slowly filling the dragoness with hir arousal, a bit of warm pre beginning to flow as shi nuzzles and caresses Palshife as well*
Palshife: *hisses softly as she feeling Gryph's arousal fill her hot passages, letting the hiss drown into a deep purrr, rubbing hir sides gently...*
GryphRaptor: *slides slowly in and out, penetrating the dragoness's depths, hir pre flowing freely as shi rubs their well-fed bellies against one another, purring deeply in pleasure as shi slowly sheaths hirself fully within Palshife's soft depths
Stalbon: *He feels himself being pushed up and down, and wonders what's going on outside*
Palshife: *mmmrrrowls softly as shi beings mating her, her warm depths growing hotter as the shaft probes deeply into her, moaning softly in pleasure and wrapping her arms around Gryph, kissing hir deeply*
GryphRaptor: *purrs into the kiss, hir tongue exploring within Palshife's muzzle, coiling around her own tongue as shi presses hirself tightly against the dragoness, hir shaft throbbing within her depths as shi continues thrusting
Palshife: *her long black tongue pushes into Gryph's beak, exploring the new tastes within it (with overtones of bear-taur and dragon), the gryphraptor's member thrusting faster within her, causing her to howl with passion and pleasure, deepening the kiss, her tail flailing around a bit, though not too much so she doesn't yank hir tail off*
Stalbon: *He hears howls outside, puts it together with the up and down motion, and surmises that GR is yiffing Palshife*
GryphRaptor: *moans deeply into the kiss, hir cocktip beginning to flare deeply up inside the dragoness as shi thrusts more firmly, hir pre filling the dragoness' depths with hir warmth as hir whole body trembles, suckling on Palshife's tongue as hir own explores within the dragoness' mouth
Palshife: *suckles deeply on Gryph's tongue, feeling hir cock beginning to tense in the pre-throes of orgasm, her own sex beginning to clench tighter around hir maleness, feeling herself drawing closer as well, making strange warbling noises around hir beak as she squeezes hir as close to her as possible*
GryphRaptor: *trembles, then presses hirself deeply into Palshife, hir heavy seed exploding into the dragoness' depths, filling her as shi thrusts eagerly, hir flared cocktip stretching her insides as shi presses firmly down atop Palshife
Palshife: *roars with delight as warm seed fills her hot passages, coming hard around hir shaft, squeezing tightly and milking it of its seed, scooted around a little with the force of hir thrusts*
GryphRaptor: *groans deeply in pleasure, emptying hirself into Palshife, thrusting eagerly into the dragoness as shi feels her body climaxing as well, hir deep purr vibrating through them both as Stalbon and Tolstoy are taken along for the ride inside hir belly :)
Palshife: *shivers, purrring deeply at GryphRaptor as her climax subsides, smiling and stroking her body tenderly...* Mmm...that was nice....
sharky: *he pushes onto the shore line and just stares at the female dragon *
GryphRaptor: *smiles at Palshife, continuing to purr deeply, stroking her tenderly as hir climax slowly subsides* it was...thank you my dear dragoness...
Palshife: *purrrrrs softly, rubbing your sides gently...* Humm...I could go for an afteryiff snack...
GryphRaptor: *smiles* oh? and what do you feel like having?* as shi nuzzles Palshife gently*
Palshife: *smiles as she looks Gryph over...* Gryphraptor sounds just nice about now...
GryphRaptor: *blinks then chuckles softly and strokes Palshife's belly, beneath hir own* think you can manage such a large meal?* as shi purrs softly, looking at Palshife
Palshife: *smiles and nods, grinning faintly* You'd be impressed with how much I've managed to fit in there sometimes...*purrrs as her belly is stroked, not as much bulged now that her previous meal is fully digested*
GryphRaptor: *purrs softly* then I suppose it'd be alright...* as shi kisses Palshife once more, hir own massive belly pressing softly against the dragoness, "I could use a warm place to curl up....
Palshife: *smiles and nods, hugging her new friend one more time before kissing hir deeply again, her muzzle working its way over hir beak*
Stalbon: ((Alright all, I have to be going! Thanks once again for the awesome RP GryphRaptor! *Hugs* Seeya around!))
GryphRaptor: *mmms softly, nuzzling into the warmth of Palshife's mouth now, licking along the back of her throat as the dragoness begins her enormous meal, purring softly as shi continues to massage her belly, thinking of how large it'll be when she's done*
Palshife: *telepaths to GryphRaptor* If I may call you friend...of course...it'd be my pleasure to give you someplace nice to curl up and rest...*growling around Gryph's beak at SnowFox, not appreciating the deprecating comments towards her aquatic friend*
GryphRaptor: *smiles inside Palshife's muzzle* mmmmm...of course you can call me friend Palshife...*continuing to purr softly as shi caresses the dragoness as she begins her meal
Palshife: *purrrs as Gryph nuzzles the insides of her muzzle and the top of her belly, her black tongue licking gently under hir beak and around her neck, forming the same sort of sticky vice around hir neck*
GryphRaptor: *wriggles a bit, feeling Palshife's tongue caressing hir body, hir head already forming a bulge within the dragoness' throat as shi continues to caress her belly, massaging it, knowing shi'll eventually be curled up inside*
Palshife: *purrrs softly, swallowing as soon as her throat gets a firm but gently grip on her new friend, swallowing deeply, pulling hir head in deeper into her throat, hir neck and shoulders already making a visible outline at the base of her neck*
GryphRaptor: *helps the dragoness work hir into her body, purring at the gentle caress of her throat muscles as shi's swallowed, continuing to rub hir own well-stuffed belly against Palshife's
Palshife: *she strokes Gryph's body gently, purrring and rubbing her huge gut, knowing full well how much a pain and a pleasure it will be to work hir lips around it...her forepaws rubbing your rump a bit and pushing gently, helping to aid in getting you tasty body into her throat, gulping eagerly and starting to work her jaws around your feathered chest, her jaws being strained as they are pushed wide, and then finally pop as they are dislocated, much like a snakes*
GryphRaptor: *hears the pop, and continues to wriggle somewhat, letting you swallow hir at your pace, helping you get hir into your depths as shi nuzzles the insides of your throat, hir purr vibrating through you as shi's slowly swallowed, hir body warm and soft beneath your claws, hir massive gut already beginning to force your jaws even wider apart as you can feel the forms of hir previous meals curled up inside hir
Palshife: *her tongue, now free of your neck, flicks out and licks under your belly, swallowing deeply around you, the soft passages of her throat massaging your all around and pulling you deeper within the dragoness, slowly working her way over your great belly, her neck already bulged out greatly by the top half of your gut, her jaws extended quite greatly as well, a muffled purrr of her own matching yours, her stomach growling in eager anticipation*
GryphRaptor: *groans softly within you, loving the warm massage your throat's providing for hir, hir body stretching you tighter and tighter around hir as you swallow hir whole, continuing to nuzzle into your depths, hir beak slipping steadily towards the ring guarding your stomach, hir feathers tickling softly along your throat with each swallow as you struggle to get hir stomach in between your jaws, hir tail swaying slowly as shi enjoys the sensations of being swallowed by such a lovely dragoness
Palshife: *blushes, being an apt mind reader...no matter how many times she's told it, she's simply too modest to boast her own beauty...she stops rubbing you a while and lets your belly rest on hers, reaching up to gently fold your wings and place the tips into her muzzle, so they will not bend and cause pain, slowly but surely working her way around your massive stomach, gulping down hard (but taking care not to be rough), pulling inch after inch into her waiting muzzle and throat, your beak poking into the entrance of her belly, the ring of muscle curling around it*
GryphRaptor: *continues to nuzzle around inside you, purring deeply as hir tail softly strokes along your own, hir swollen gut resting heavily atop you as you keep hir perched atop your body while you gobble hir up, hir claws gently rubbing along your swollen neck, feeling hirself within you before shi holds hir arms tightly against hir side, hir legs softly rubbing against the sides of your belly
Palshife: *her muffled purrr continues, deepening as your tail and paws massage her belly, continuing to lick the underside of your tummy as she finally makes her way past the largest part of your belly, feeling her jaws slowly but surely come closer to one another as your huge gut bulges out her neck greatly, more of your own neck being freed up as it enters the warm embrace of her stomach*
GryphRaptor: *smiles within your depths, feeling the ring before your stomach slowly sliding upwards around hir as the rest of hir body bulges out your throat, hir deep purr vibrating through your innards as shi wriggles in pleasure, hir tail gently brushing over your sex, teasing you tenderly as your jaws slide steadily around hir gut
Palshife: *shiverpurrs, remembering her friend was only a short while ago pleasuring her down there...deciding that she'll return the favor as she gains a little more speed, swallowing deeply and bringing your sex into range of her long black tongue, the forks of her tongue teasing the outsides of your sex gently*
GryphRaptor: *gasps, feeling your tongue caressing hir dual sexes, hir shaft slipping into the softness of your throat, while hir femsex ripples against your tined tongue tip, shivering in pleasure as hir juices begin to flow, hir tail gently pleasuring your own sex, caressing softly over it's warm folds as shi continues to disappear down your gullet, slowly swelling your belly larger as shi begins to curl up inside you
Palshife: *grins a little and pokes her tongue inside, at the same time rubbing her tongue along the length of your maleness, another deep swallow dragging it across her tongue and allowing her to push more of her tongue inside your sex, probing what she can as your lower body begins to enter her jaws*
GryphRaptor: *moans softly, squirming more as you begin to explore the moist depths of hir femsex, inner muscles rippling around your tongue as more of hir warm juices flow rather freely, hir shaft pulsing softly as it slides down into your throat, pressing against the rippling muscles, and hir own greatly swollen belly, hir motions rubbing hir arousal against your throat as shi continues to pleasure you in turn with hir tail
Palshife: *shivers and purrrrs, her sex growing moist as the furred tail brushes her sex, gulping around your maleness and swallowing you deeper into her, the ends of your wings poking out the sides of her muzzle as she swallows the rest of your lower body, leaving your tail and hind legs dangling as she pushes her tongue in ever further, her purring a little more pronounced as she tastes the sweet juices*
GryphRaptor: *bucks within your mouth and throat, groaning deeply as you push hir towards climax, hir pre flowing freely down your throat as hir cocktip begins to flare again, pushing out against your throat's embrace as your tongue's drawn upwards into the softness of hir sex, hir body trembling on the edge as hir tail strokes your sex for as long as it can reach there
Palshife: *continues to swallow around your maleness, slowly dragging in your hind legs into her throat, your upper body beginning to enter her belly, shivering as the tail is taken out of range of her sex, gulping down more and more of your legs, until they, too, are engulfed along with your tail, swallowing deeply until the whole gryphraptor is in her greatly, immensely bloated belly, murring deeply*
GryphRaptor: *cries out deep inside you, climaxing once more as you swallow hir completely, hir body writhing about in pleasure as shi slowly curls up inside your belly, stretching it tightly around hir own well-fed form, purring as your body holds hir completely now, softly nuzzling the warm flesh that surrounds hir*
Palshife: *happysighs, rubbing her immense belly...* I don't think I've ever been this full before...thank you, Gryph...*she lies on her side, rubbing her tum gently, and dozing off...*
GryphRaptor: *smiles, purring softly as shi lays there deep inside you, making an enormous meal for the lovely dragoness, knowing that slowly hir body will go to fuel your own