Well there is little here but the MAP of FAIBANX MUCK, which happens to be the MUCK for all open-minded and mature people liking scalies or furries or macros or paws or that just like LD5 that I tend to hang out in, because I happen to do little else but the map: For those two of you interested in the history of its creation, there is even a collection of older versions of it. http://download.lavadomefive.com/members/blue/old-maps/old-maps.html And perhaps a little crappy BIO of Blue: http://download.lavadomefive.com/members/blue/bio.html. After a little gift ART doodle I for Tyrnn, for his 500th Boomer Express comic (http://download.lavadomefive.com/members/blue/for-tyrnn.gif), Dino created a folder in the LD5 art gallery for me so I also put up a few pixelworks of mine there and the Faibanx town square comics later. http://download.lavadomefive.com/LD5%20Artists/Blue/index.html You may also find me on furaffinity as Blue anthroraptor at http://www.furaffinity.net/user/blueanthroraptor/.  
Yes, that was all, what did you expect, I aint no great Arr-teest! : )      