Bluey's Castle

You've been traveling for hours, after hearing tales of a tall, mighty castle owned by a mysterious dragon. Following a trail past a small tavern, you have found the castle of legends, a final bastion before the acres of forest that lay beyond.

Although the castle itself looks dark and foreboding, the front gate is unlocked, and nothing stops you from simply walking inside. The castle corridors are made of light stone and very well lit by ornate torches sporting magus flames of an assortment of colors. At first glance, the castle seems mostly medieval and fantastic, but closer inspection reveals some electric-powered objects and technological tricks as well as arcane fancy.

The front hall is a large open chamber, decorated to impress. Tapestries and carpets seem to follow a color scheme that favors blue and green over all other colors. You see that you are able to enter other areas from this central hall. You feel a compulsion to explore every inch of this castle, and even a curiosity as to what is inside the tavern near the castle.
Where will you go?
The Dragon
Find the (D)ragon himself
Admire the (G)allery
Read in the (L)ibrary
Explore the (A)rcade
Head back to the (T)avern
Visit the Halls of (K)nowledge
-The last update to this site was on: July 20, 2006, Afternoon-