
Hopefully my site didn't bore you too badly! These are links to other places of interest on the Internet. Give them a visit if you would like! There aren't any images here yet but I'm pretty sure there will be.

Bluey's DeviantArt Page
I have a DeviantArt site, and it needs pageviews, so why not go
over there and see if you missed any of my wonderful things?

Mera's DeviantArt Page
Mera's a close friend and is one of the reasons I haven't given up on writing.
Her art is spectacular and you should go look at it!

Hyun's DeviantArt Page
I just recently met Hyun, and I'm glad I did because he's cool! He gives me
thoughful critique on my writing to keep it from sucking.

Peach Pop!
This site is an art site for assorted fandoms maintained by a friendamine, Peachi.
It's really neat and I suggest you take a look around!

Just a Memory
This site is owned by the ever-adorable Lappi. She's another close friend
and she linked me, so I'm returning the favor. Huttah!

Tyrnn Eaveranth
Tyrnn is an awesome guy and he sort of indirectly led me to LavadomeFive,
the site that hosts my webpage. Pay him a visit if you like giant lizards!

Drake's Furs
Drake Ohkami draws really well and always listens to my rambles!
That's why I'm dropping him a link right here!

Webcomics I Read and Enjoy or Otherwise Advocate

Ozy and Millie
The Unfeasible Adventures of Beaver and Steve
Dinosaur Comics
Press Start to Play
Rob and Elliot
Boomer Express
Dragon-Tails (I swear I did not get the name Bluey from here!)
Joe Loves Crappy Movies